[CULT KING] *** REAL FICTION *** figures

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Good suggestions and nice start on the reference.

The only thing that I would add is it's probably a good idea to have the sculpts sized the same as Rainman's (especially the diameter of the necks) so they work well with RM's outfits. If these end up being an improvement over his sculpts, then there will be a lot of people looking to upgrade those sets but it would be pointless if the sculpts don't jive perfectly with the outfits they already own.

NO, not the same as Rainman's. Too big. They need to be slightly smaller.

These are CK's, not Rainman's, so make them as CK's. The heads will still go with Rainman's outfits i'm sure, but why should that even be a consideration...?
NO, not the same as Rainman's. Too big. They need to be slightly smaller.

These are CK's, not Rainman's, so make them as CK's. The heads will still go with Rainman's outfits i'm sure, but why should that even be a consideration...?

I agree. They should follow their own specs in how they are creating these figures, for their bodies etc.

This release should not be tailored around what some other artist did in the past. Not fair to the creative process of CK. Let them sculpt, tailor and create from a blank canvas. I love the RM suits, and his accessories were top notch, but this should be a independent release not sizing for other editions.

I know it'l be great to just add the heads to my current RM FS, but I would rather see this be their own thing.
BTW -- anyone know who will be headlining the sculpt job on J and V? Interested to see how J's hair is approached, and how they handle the different tailoring on both suits.
Guys they won't be doing one or the other! It's clear they will do both! As of now the first sculpt they will tackle is V - so keep some good pics flowing my way. I plan to consolidate and send the same to X .. Better the pics better the output :)

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I am assuming everyone will prefer a neutral expression for V? If not do send preferred expression front shot!


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NO, not the same as Rainman's. Too big. They need to be slightly smaller.

These are CK's, not Rainman's, so make them as CK's. The heads will still go with Rainman's outfits i'm sure, but why should that even be a consideration...?

Personally I don't think that RM's heads are too big because I think HT heads are all too small. His sculpts like Anton and Jack (especially) are too big, but I think ones sized like Bill, these guys, etc. are proportioned way better than HT.

I was just thinking that sizing them similarly would open themselves up to a big group of people who are already set with outfits and accessories that probably can't be beat. If the necks aren't big enough to fill the collars, then these wouldn't work for everyone with RM sets. I get starting fresh and doing their own thing, but a great set of figures have already been produced. Making them compatible would only help CK's sales
Already a great set of PF heads available to replace Rainman's with top likenesses. Realistically these characters only need to be done again if there is significant drop in cost from the RM set. Neca is doing licensed figures from this movie so there is a chance someone like Star Ace or 3A could pick up the 1/6th rights for this property. Options are great but I would be interested in seeing this company step up and do something that hasn't been done before instead of redoing figures others have already produced. Good luck with this. If its what enough people want I hope it is successful.
Agreed that's why I'm happy to see Nathan Algren in the red samurai armor being done, Wyatt Earp, Butch and Sundance. Outside the box stuff.
Agreed that's why I'm happy to see Nathan Algren in the red samurai armor being done, Wyatt Earp, Butch and Sundance. Outside the box stuff.

I think that they can maintain a balance, as long as they don't do this too often. I'm really looking forward to this as I don't own the RM set. More 1/6 Pulp Fiction love can't be a bad thing IMO, and I don't think RM's set is going to depreciate in value too badly because it is still a good, rare work of art and has his name attached to it.
Already a great set of PF heads available to replace Rainman's with top likenesses. Realistically these characters only need to be done again if there is significant drop in cost from the RM set. Neca is doing licensed figures from this movie so there is a chance someone like Star Ace or 3A could pick up the 1/6th rights for this property. Options are great but I would be interested in seeing this company step up and do something that hasn't been done before instead of redoing figures others have already produced. Good luck with this. If its what enough people want I hope it is successful.

I'm not sure how much closer to the mark those sculpts really came. And if I remember correctly, they were undersized like many of their sculpts
I'm not sure how much closer to the mark those sculpts really came. And if I remember correctly, they were undersized like many of their sculpts

Have you seen them in person? Bigger than Hot Toys and smaller than Rainman ,which puts them in the right ballpark scale wise. Likeness was closer also, many who bought the Rainman set admitted that. It's neither here nor there. Variety is the spice of life so there is enough different takes for everyone to find what they like. Better to have several versions to pick from than none at all I guess.
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