Hey everyone! I sent a PM to everyone on the list...
@Finwee I think I missed you just FYI, so check out the info here. I am now taking balances so check out the info below or in your PMs. Let me know if you have any questions!
I am taking balances on the Pulp Fiction sets. With a deposit of $100 the balances are as follows:
US: $125
International: $140
Send to:
[email protected]
When you pay please include in a note WITH YOUR PAYMENT the following information:
- Name
- Forum/FB/IG name
- What you are buying (i.e. Pulp Fiction set)
- Shipping address INCLUDING zip code/postal code
- Email address
- Phone number
If you do not include this information I cannot accurately ship things to everyone so PLEASE do not forget and then send me the information in a PM or something. Its just very difficult to keep track of.
I am currently printing all the box art and putting all the packaging together. I am hoping to have things shipped out within 2 weeks.
As a quick aside please understand the briefcase requires a single CR2302 battery. I cannot ship batteries as it makes shipping much more annoying to deal with. I will also be making a little video soon showcasing the briefcases and guns with little tips on everything you're getting (like how to get the magazines out of the guns carefully, showcasing the briefcase internals a little just for fun, etc.).
As always THANK YOU ALL for your support. I hope you're pleased with your sets.
And in case anyone is interested, the Raoul Duke accessory set is finalized and I will be taking preorders soon. Keep an eye out!