Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG.

  • Thread starter Terminator_Fan_Game
  • Start date
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Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

Payment received, my friend. :duff No, that pic is from a commission.
Please check your inbox mate.

PM replied. :)
Sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean if that's the exact one I will be receiving, but if that's the same style? It looks like a clean Part 4 with old neck style.
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

PM replied. :)
Sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean if that's the exact one I will be receiving, but if that's the same style? It looks like a clean Part 4 with old neck style.

:slap Oh! Well yes, thats exactly the same style(Part 4 with the old neck).
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

Hey there, bro! Check out your PayPal,
I've just paid you for all three weathered PART 1 sweaters for me and RIDDICK. Thanks a lot, Ian! What a wonderful job you done!
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Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

please add me for part 1 weathered long arm with extensions and also part 2 weathered. let me know when available. ready to pay. thanks!
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

Hey there, bro! Check out your PayPal,
I've just paid you for all three weathered PART 1 sweaters for me and RIDDICK. Thanks a lot, Ian! What a wonderful job you done!

Payment confirmed and PM sent. Thanks a lot bro!

please add me for part 1 weathered long arm with extensions and also part 2 weathered. let me know when available. ready to pay. thanks!

I'll put you on the waiting list. I have had to expand the time-frame I have for making these, so now they will all be ready around late October-mid November.
For those who have already paid, I make them my first priority, and ship to them as soon as I can.
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

I received my freddy sweater this morning looks amazing in hand and a perfect fit. Your in for a treat my fellow freaks great work Ian thanks mate.
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

Received. Thank you TFG, Looks absolutely awesome!! very well done, arm extensions fit perfect. Sweater is weathered very well and 2 thumbs up to the new neck, hide them ugly joints IMO !!!! I love it!
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

didn't know these had even started shipping!!!??>>ok...gotta get my payment in to you asap!!!!
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

I received my sweater in the mail yesterday. :) Really great work TFG, it fits my Freddy perfectly (I'm using a slim Kumik upper body with slim TT arms). I have yet to weather it, but I'll try to find some time in the next few days to snap a pic.
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

So glad you guys are happy with them! :)
@ agonistes86 -I look forward to seeing your weathering on it! Some advice with shredding the old neck styles is to take a little care and time on it. I find using small to medium size fabric scissors are best to use for shredding the neck area. Xacto knife for everything else.
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Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG

Can't wait to receive these! Keep up the good work TFG!

I will be shipping yours on Monday. Been a bit busy last week but Im back on track now.

Jesus, these are already shipping? Will make my payment on november 6th, is that ok?

Yup. Thats fine.

Can I still get the above and also a part 1 weathered sweater

I'll put it on the waiting list with your others.

Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

Received the sweater and the extensions. Thanks Terminator!! It looks awesome!! :yess:

If you make more normal part 1 and part 3 sweaters down the road, I would be in for one of each. Let me know.
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

Can I pay later on?

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Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

Can you please add me to the waiting list for a regular part 1 sweater, a part 1 with long arms sweater + extension set? All weathered :)
Re: Freddy Krueger Sweaters - 2013 Version by TFG. UPDATE ON PAGE 8!

So glad you guys are happy with them! :)
@ agonistes86 -I look forward to seeing your weathering on it! Some advice with shredding the old neck styles is to take a little care and time on it. I find using small to medium size fabric scissors are best to use for shredding the neck area. Xacto knife for everything else.

I finally had some time to take a pic. So far I've only shredded the edges slightly, haven't had time for any paint. I will probably rough up the edges a bit more as well.
Here's a quick shot:
