Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

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They're in the BrBa thread. :)

j/k. Actually, I was too lazy to go through all those pages. I can, just not now :p


actually since updated to davinator glasses and a different shirt for season 1 walt. ill take another pic soon!
Holy schoomoogla. Those are indeed top notch. Desirable. Are all those sculpts by Trev?
I missed out on all of this stuff. Kuato made a chem suit? Is realmetal's glasses the best way to go or are there other options?
Moe made the suit Kuato painted it ;) and I hope fullmetals look great I bought em but no sculpt yet...waiting to see Chilis pics

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Moe made the suit Kuato painted it ;) and I hope fullmetals look great I bought em but no sculpt yet...waiting to see Chilis pics

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When I have time after the weekend I have to dig thru the BrBa thread and see what everyone has been working with; I only know the half at this point

Edit: fullmetal :slap I keep calling him realmetal :lol:lol
yep, season 1 walt painted by small studios, Heisenberg by Ray Ferraro, and HAZMAT suit by Kuato
Thanks. Waiting for your updated pics.

Moe made the suit Kuato painted it ;) and I hope fullmetals look great I bought em but no sculpt yet...waiting to see Chilis pics

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Where did you get your sculpt from? Sal?
Ok guys, here it is.

I have no idea why the jacket is not black. I suspect it's because this is a proto-type and Yunsil is probably using material she has to hand. Of course I will make sure she understands the jacket is black however.

So the niggles I have are;

1) Jacket needs to be black.
2) Trousers need to be a shade darker I think.
3) Shoulder vents to be added to jacket.

Please give your opinions.

I have now started uni so my time is very limited. If you have any requests then please be specific. If you can upload a clear picture that would really help me in relaying the message to Yunsil.

Thanks again

Aaron :duff
Only two things I can see besides what you mentioned are that the jacket cuffs should not be elastic, and the side pockets have an extra seam that should not be there. Otherwise, it's looking great!

EDIT: Also, maybe the pants are a tiny bit on the tight side?
Only two things I can see besides what you mentioned are that the jacket cuffs should not be elastic, and the side pockets have an extra seam that should not be there. Otherwise, it's looking great!

EDIT: Also, maybe the pants are a tiny bit on the tight side?

The jacket cuffs are not only buttoned but also elasticated. Entropy will back this up. After careful analysis it was clear to see both.
While we're looking to make changes.... can we make the shirt green??? :lol

I thought that this was supposed to be fitted for the TTM18?