Finally finished the paint on Marty McFly's hoverboard and Nike Mags. The paint on these was very difficult to pull off - especially on the shoes because there was so much detail with the logos and the texture of the soles. The blue splattered texture in 1/1 scale was sprayed on. At this scale, every single line and dot had to be hand painted one speckle at a time. It was very time consuming and it took me about 8 or so hours just to paint up one set. The hoverboard required much more precision because of the hard lines. In the end, I think it was well worth it. After all the decals were put on - which is another task in and of itself - they look phenomenal. Check out the final pics below. He's close to getting finished. I just need to finish casting the hems on his jacket so Jen can finish the revisions on the jacket left.
The paint for the hoverboard is $40 and paint on the pair of shoes is $60. If anyone wants it painted, please let me know and just add the total to the balance as noted before. I'll paint them in batches of 10-12 sets each time. To avoid damage to the paint, I will just paint them only and include the decals separately when shipping. That way it has more time to cure and avoid damage to the paint and the decals. The decals are very simple to put on and just requires a tweezer and it's self explanatory to put on. You guys can use the reference pictures too, but it's really straightforward.