Thanks for understanding guys. I am picking up a pressure pot for post curing tomorrow. I have a 180sec. resin so I have to work quick but it should help out.
We'll see. That's my last ditch effort to save the flesh option.
Thanks for the update!
Proof that I'm not stalling
The white one on the right seems the best, one next to it looks good too
Proof that I'm not stalling
Can't believe we have not seen this painted yet..LOL.. Can't wait
Since I'm not quite well versed on customs, what would be the main advantage of printing it on the flesh colored one? Its still gonna be painted anyway way right?
Or is it basically better cause since its already flesh colored, you'll just do highlights on the flesh skin to make it look better?
Sorry, I've painted once and it was on a white sculpt so I assume that most came that way.
I do like the 3rd one from the left...looks sweet!