:monkey4 Tell me about it...:slap
I have 19 shipping this week. 10 molds post curing now to start pouring 20 per day to wrap up. I hope to have all packaged and shipped by next weekend.
I estimate that I have cast from 70 - 80 heads and all but 18 have had small (but too bad) to large defects.
I am the first to say how pathetic it is to have taken this long but as I have said before I will see this to it's end no matter what. I told you all that I had 10 molds poured a week ago. Well - I did but lost pressure in the cure :gah: and this happened....
There were no surface bubbles but when the resin was cured on pressure if pushed out the this spots where air was trapped. I was all



anic: then :monkey2
Anywho - I know we've all been :impatient: (waiting) I just want to get a good product in your hand. Flesh casts really are something special compared to white.
Away I go to make some heads this week. I'll update the list soon.
Thank you all,