If my sources are correct, King Darkness recasted it for him. :monkey1
this is true :lecture
If my sources are correct, King Darkness recasted it for him. :monkey1
If you have received a casting from ZOMBIERIDER that has the lower earlobe missing like in the middle pic, or has a solid neck it is a recast.
To Zombierider - I attempted to resolve this in private and I have this past week had two boardies asking about casting issues (earlobe and solid neck) and was one told by you that you sold him the one (head cast) you bought from me.
I told you that if it came up again that I would call you out and here we are.
Buyers and sellers beware. Zombierider is selling recasts.
Is your source Buttmunch? Cause that guy doesn't know his head from his arse :lecture
I can also confirm he is a recaster. He has been selling various artist head sculpts on ebay as well as ioffer.
He tells people that he is one name and asking sellers to send sculpts to Madrid, Spain address to a guy name something else.
--edited for questions regarding names---
I have his address and name from the last time he bought a headsculpt from me.
What is his ebay account ?
He claims that he was using a friend's paypal account.
There is no excuse for recasting, but I changed this in case it really is a different person's account.
Ok so i guess the one i have is a RECAST :gah: Its not mine its a fellow boardies who had the sculpt sent to me for painting , haven't done anything with it yet . The thing was , i was supposed to just drill out the neck so it would fit on a HT body , and then send it to get painted .
I will come back after i talk with the owner of the scuplt to find out where and who he bought it from , i know it was from overseas because it took forever to get here.
It has lots of pits and holes , and its missing the right bottom of ear lobe . Also its not drilled , it has a solid neck
The camera picked up the color white for some reason , but the actual color of the sculpt is flesh tone
anybody who have a baby gets a pass in my book for delays... I got a three week old and my life has been turned upside down lol
After seeing these posts I believe I bought a recast as well :s Also has the same part from the ear missing + a lot of holes. I already believed it wasn't an original one, once I opened it and saw all the holes and stuff. Pretty sure about it know tough. recasting to resell it is really lame :s. They guy I bouth it from was "THX 3811" on one sxth warrior forum. Not sure if he's the same guy as zombierider tough. Perhaps anyone else could confirm buying more of the same sculpts from him?
Was the neck solid like above?
The ear is the main give away. I never released any with areas that large. As I said before there are issues with small bubbles in the back of the hair and some in the ears but not an entire bottom portion missing.
My main issue here is that these are being sold as original castings and that is deceitful. At least be honest with your customers.
I cannot stand by while something of lesser quality is being sold as my work.