Imaresqd1 Christian Bale SOLD OUT

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Painted mine up yesterday, here it is.



Hey All,

Ok - I will have the last shipment info updated today. Sorry about the delay and I would say all of the US orders have already arrived.

Secondly - Last batch of molds are being made this week as the others are worn out so I should be able to finish more quickly then I have been going as of late.

Also, I wish to apologize for the insane amount of time that has taken for this to complete. I believe I was a bit underestimating in how time consuming a newborn/infant can be. I thought - Oh, I can pour a batch in the afternoons and morning and be done in x weeks.

Well, we all know that didn't happen. Finding two minutes can be difficult let alone the 30 to 45mins to pour a batch. No need in airing personal issues but there have been some challenges along the way too. Throw in a little (read lot) of sleep depravation and well...

Anywho - No one on here has been demanding anything or getting out of sorts - You guys have been VERY gracious and understanding in my constant delays and for that I want to say thank you and that is why in the future I plan to outsource the projects to GREATLY expedite things and get your product in-hand in a proper and timely manner.

I hope I have not lost any future sales from any of you over delays but honestly, I understand if that's the case.

Either way - thank you all for your business now and in the future!

Gotta go make some Waynes now...

If I can be honest I was just beginning to get impatient but after reading that you have won me back. I look forward to buying Two Face from you in the future.

If you have received a casting from ZOMBIERIDER that has the lower earlobe missing like in the middle pic, or has a solid neck it is a recast.

To Zombierider - I attempted to resolve this in private and I have this past week had two boardies asking about casting issues (earlobe and solid neck) and was one told by you that you sold him the one (head cast) you bought from me.

I told you that if it came up again that I would call you out and here we are.

Buyers and sellers beware. Zombierider is selling recasts.


The one in the middle is purchased from a member here as I'm in the back of the queue and couldn't wait. That particular cast was pretty bad with lots of bubbles (holes) showing up after priming. The sculpt came with the ear lobe filled, but after a layer of primer it kind of fell off on its own.
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didnt you guys ask for the certificate?

anyways, with an edition size this big, its bound to happen. Im not that surprised at all, which one is zombierider btw?
anybody who have a baby gets a pass in my book for delays... I got a three week old and my life has been turned upside down lol