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thanks for that, void :)

Thinking you made some sort of point by trying to call me out on some things I said in the HT Begins thread?

I appreciate Adam's sculpt as it is very good and i've never seen any of Adam's sculpts in hand before which is why I said I was impressed b/c no pictures that I've seen do it justice. But don't get it twisted, he's a great sculptor but me being impressed by the Bale sculpt doesn't mean I favor it over the HT one.

There are things I don't like about Adam's sculpt but I dare not say b/c 1) it's not my place to as I respect the sculptor and his talents and 2) I know many will jump on my back and tell me to GTFO of this thread. But I'm going to go ahead and let myself out. Thanks


My point was that I didn't appreciate your attitude when you posted in that thread 'can't wait to see owners of the Adam head come in and blah blah blah'

That was completely unneccesary, provocative and pre-emptive, particularly for someone who had not until that point even seen Adam's head in hand.

You are free to say whatever you want about what you think are the pros and cons of either sculpt. I am all for constructive critique of anything, and I can say so is Adam, from my correspondance with him. If you go back in this thread you will see I pointed out areas where this sculpt could be improved.

I have maintained that i'll reserve final judgement of the HT head until i have it in hand but from what I have seen so far I do prefer Adam's myself by some margin.
Some iris detail and touching up on lips and hair and they're done! Face will not be shiny after dull coat. oh and some eyebrows. :D need a couple of shades on those babies

which is mine? :wink1:
can't wait to see them finished.
My point was that I didn't appreciate your attitude when you posted in that thread 'can't wait to see owners of the Adam head come in and blah blah blah'

That was completely unneccesary, provocative and pre-emptive, particularly for someone who had not until that point even seen Adam's head in hand.

You are free to say whatever you want about what you think are the pros and cons of either sculpt. I am all for constructive critique of anything, and I can say so is Adam, from my correspondance with him. If you go back in this thread you will see I pointed out areas where this sculpt could be improved.

I have maintained that i'll reserve final judgement of the HT head until i have it in hand but from what I have seen so far I do prefer Adam's myself by some margin.

PM sent your way void, no need to derail this thread with our discussion.
when is this list being updated.... I swear its been like over a month and still nothing!
it really becomes ridiculous. so many months have been past, and it's still not finished here. i don't know what is going wrong, but the progress is so damn slow -.- i mean every other caster would have finished it already.

there are so many wonderful announcements, but I'm scared of the waiting time if it's going to be as long as with the bale head. how long should we wait until users will have for example the begins sculpt in hand?

this is not any criticism to adam. he has done a wonderful job on the bale head. but what happens if the two-face and begins sculpt will be finished at the same time? will they be offered also at the same time, or do we need to wait ages until all two-faces have been re-casted first, before it comes to the casting of the begins sculpt?
No need to panic - I've spoken to Dean recently and he is working on it!


no i don't have any panic attacks, but i'm just disappointed. will there be the same fiasco with the future releases, where we have to wait again ages to get our heads? and what's his problem that the recastings are going so slow?
You won't have the same issue with future projects because they will come prepainted in a factory and the vendor that will do the painting will also be doing the casting in one big batch covering all of the orders.

Regarding the reasons for the delay - refer to what he has said in his recent posts in his thread
You won't have the same issue with future projects because they will come prepainted in a factory and the vendor that will do the painting will also be doing the casting in one big batch covering all of the orders.

Regarding the reasons for the delay - refer to what he has said in his recent posts in his thread

Adam and dean are opening a factory that mass produce and paints HS now?
Honestly I just bought my head off a guy on here last week so it's coming to me instead of him when it ships. So I can't complain about waiting yet :lol
Honestly I just bought my head off a guy on here last week so it's coming to me instead of him when it ships. So I can't complain about waiting yet :lol

Oh No, I hope it's not that Zombierider guy you just bought it from.

In terms of waiting, I too have become really frustrated. It's been 5 months++ almost 6 months of waiting now. I was initially being patient and understanding with the delays, but now I'm disappointed.
Come on Dean, pleeease try to ship a batch of heads so we can see the deal is still progressing and calms people is just to avoid to get nervous...:1-1:
Updated list in first post.

it really becomes ridiculous. so many months have been past, and it's still not finished here. i don't know what is going wrong, but the progress is so damn slow -.- i mean every other caster would have finished it already.

there are so many wonderful announcements, but I'm scared of the waiting time if it's going to be as long as with the bale head. how long should we wait until users will have for example the begins sculpt in hand?

this is not any criticism to adam. he has done a wonderful job on the bale head. but what happens if the two-face and begins sculpt will be finished at the same time? will they be offered also at the same time, or do we need to wait ages until all two-faces have been re-casted first, before it comes to the casting of the begins sculpt?

Unless I'm missing something (and I may be, if so then I humbly retract) like a name change or something - that's quite a pissy attitude and tone for someone who has no investment in this project. I appreciate your interest in future projects but I don't understand where this is coming from.


no i don't have any panic attacks, but i'm just disappointed. will there be the same fiasco with the future releases, where we have to wait again ages to get our heads? and what's his problem that the recastings are going so slow?

There have been no secrets here as to why there have been delays. Feel free to read the posts concerning such in this thread.

Oh No, I hope it's not that Zombierider guy you just bought it from.

In terms of waiting, I too have become really frustrated. It's been 5 months++ almost 6 months of waiting now. I was initially being patient and understanding with the delays, but now I'm disappointed.

Sorry for your frustration and disappointment but I completely understand. Should be soon for you (and everyone else)

Come on Dean, pleeease try to ship a batch of heads so we can see the deal is still progressing and calms people is just to avoid to get nervous...:1-1:

Hope to have some out tomorrow or Monday. Your's are at the top of the pile my friend!