CREG Customs
Super Freak
when will #80 ship
I'm glad you wrote! Your's is marked to ship to Seb. Is that correct?
when will #80 ship
I'm glad you wrote! Your's is marked to ship to Seb. Is that correct?
Oh No, I hope it's not that Zombierider guy you just bought it from.
Nah I'm good :lol
Yeah I promise its not a re cast considering it will be shipped to you from Craig himself you can rest assured. :bounce
Unless I'm missing something (and I may be, if so then I humbly retract) like a name change or something - that's quite a pissy attitude and tone for someone who has no investment in this project. I appreciate your interest in future projects but I don't understand where this is coming from.
:clap:yess: I really enjoyed reading this. I knew in Which direction this would go when I read his post and was really hoping for a reaction. The payoff was build up superb. Knock out in the first round. Reading this board is sometimes better than the blockbuster of the evening. :hi5:
thanx 4 updating the list to show that stark industries is getting my head, if you need to confirm his address again u can just shoot him a pm. Thanx alot!
This is a fantastic sculpt, but I wonder why no one has ever gone for the fuller-faced Bale of Begins. Even HT's Begins sculpt has that gauntness that was more prominent in TDK. I know this is a TDK Bale thread, but I'd love to see Adam tackle Begins Bale.
He's working on one :yess: