James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set CLOSED

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James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

I'm in for a painted set, dependent on price.
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

im in for 2 plese
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

Please add me to 2 sets, too.
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

i'm in for painted, 02 sets if possible. and take your time to make them right master.
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

cool beans :)
im in :D...panted as well....i cant color, i always colored out side the line :(
id be keen on two set, depending on $.
cant wait :)
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

Ok, though will need to charge extra for this as it's a lot of work. The part cleaning and fine sanding of parts alone is very time consuming, so will cap the paint/build service to 10 slots.

sounds good, glad i was the second one to say I want it painted LOL
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

I will see how many I can work on. Though its not just painting work involved, lots of manual cleaning and sanding. I've been snowed under lately though will hopefully have payment info very soon.
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

beast... happy to do all that myself. I know it's only one person, but if it helps at all...
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

Lightening the load sounds good rhboyd :) I will make a mention in the first post.

So I just ran out of clear 3d printer resin for the watch lenses and had to order a new bottle. £135 a bottle!! :horror Though guess I can use it for other stuff ;)
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

cant wait to see the result!!!!
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

I'm also interested, price pending (Painted, if at all possible) Thank you!
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

Looks really good. Am interested pending price. Will need it painted as well. At 79, my painting skills are a bit shaky.

Old Grandpa
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

Sure thing grandpa :) Ok folks the 3d printed lenses didn't work out so well as I cant get them clear enough. So will need to try cutting some plastic on the machine at work. Still need to fix the gun. Shouldn't be long now.
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

no rush, beast... work 'em till YOU'RE satisfied!
and thanks!!!
Re: James Bond "Skyfall" Watch and PPK gun set

I'm sorry. 28 and 38 include me twice by a list. Please combine. The number is total of 2 sets. Thanks!!!!