I'm really glad Jnix is being so good. He deserves all the praise and support we can give him
Be civil and play nice, Freaks.
Thread cleaned.
What? What happened?
Some noob (like me) thought it would be a great idea to carve into a senior member (QuiGon) for, wait for it, posting too much on the thread. Insanity.
I guess scrolling past posts you don't feel like reading was too much for him and he had to make a public comment. Mods didn't care for it.
Some noob (like me) thought it would be a great idea to carve into a senior member (QuiGon) for, wait for it, posting too much on the thread. Insanity.
I guess scrolling past posts you don't feel like reading was too much for him and he had to make a public comment. Mods didn't care for it.