[Jnix] What would you like me to head sculpt for next?

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" Cheer up Luke, there will be a talented artisan sculpting your likeness one day ..."

"There's nothing you could have done Luke, the Sideshow Freaks ride in single file to hide their numbers. The choice to sculpt your head would now be in the hands of some less talented sculptor..."
I'm in for ANH Luke. Please make this you're next sculpt! Love my Jnix Solo Sculpt :yess::pray:
Well, seeing as how your ANH Han Solo is the current reigning king of Harrison Ford/Solo sculpts with everyone else a distant second it seems only natural to do Indy. I can't stand my HT sculpt.
I'd probably cast my vote for ANH Luke or ROTJ Luke. After seeing Han I'm not only blown away by the accuracy of the likeness but equally as much with your amazing painting skills. Phenomenal.
if jinx got the base sculpt of ford, i'd suggest he crank out indy real quick and move on to something we haven't seen before, do we all agree of all the ford sculpts out there his is the closest, if not near perfect? lol
I can go for an Indy, especially as a follow up to his stellar Han.

I'm I the only one that would want a smiling version of Han?

Luke and Obi-Wan are pretty necessary too. In for any and all of the above.
The last thing I need is another Indy, but a painted Indy sculpt for a reasonable price would certainly let me put my custom to bed. I'm about to sell all the parts off, cuz I just can't swing a paintjob. . . and I can't get the damn snaps on Yunsil's shirt to close.

It may be unpopular but I haven't seen any episode 2 anakin skywalker heads
Would really like Obi Wan ep 3 or a scowling Palpatine head, ANH Luke is cool too

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It may be unpopular but I haven't seen any episode 2 anakin skywalker heads
Would really like Obi Wan ep 3 or a scowling Palpatine head, ANH Luke is cool too

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

I'd be up for an Anakin head.
ANH Luke does need an upgrade but after that id like to see something other than Star Wars. An Indy obviously based on The Han sculpt would interest me but at the same time isn't that big of a deal with all the options out there.