[Jnix] What would you like me to head sculpt for next?

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I think the problem is the star wars stuff and Joker have been done already to a pretty good likeness. Give us something fresh :wink1:

Joker, yes. Star Wars stuff, no. Especially when it comes to Luke. But he's not the only one who needs a better likeness!
I think my attempt at humour fell flat. My comment about another Joker sculpt was tongue firmly placed in cheek. I think it has been overkill really . I'm firmly in the " I'd love a really well sculpted Mark Hamill / Luke Skywalker ANH sculpt " purely because there isn't one. Han Solo has been done several times , but Jnix brought his own special touch and skill to the table and gave us what I consider to be THE best likeness of Harrison as Han Solo. Let's see another iconic character / actor get the sculpt he deserves.
I also agree Star Wars has really not been done at all! Obviously it's done on a big company level but so was joker... I agree anh Luke is super iconic and deserving of a perfect portrait
With this new Han sculpt, the Hot Toys ANH Luke is gonna bother me even more now. Ugh! And Luke is my favorite Star Wars OT character. Whyyyy, Hot Toys?!
I think Luke is better than Han was though but after how good Han js gonna look it definitely makes a re do of Luke necessary.

And then there's Ben...
I liked HT's Obi wan . I would welcome a new sculpt that captures Mr Guiness's character though. I'm still imagining a Peter Cushing Tarkin with a professionally commissioned outfit to go with it. I'd be on it like the Death Star was to Alderaan - it would blow me away ! :lol
Something different for a change , fed up of seeing , starwars , indy , batman , walking dead , i would say surprise us all




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I'd like to see ANH Luke and ANH Obi-Wan.

I'd like to get the Han, but I can't have one Han with a great sculpt and two others with so-so sculpts.