Jurassic Sized Update 12.10.2018
Thanks for the feedback everyone that's been really helpful.
A: Head Sculpt
Waruna has agreed with your recommendations and is going to offer two head sculpts, one hatted and one unhatted. He is also going to offer a separate hat as an accessory which can be held in Grant's hand when you are using the unhatted sculpt (this accessory won't be compatible with the unhatted sculpt i.e. it won't fit the head and is just for the figure to hold).
Waruna has confirmed that the sculpts will be offered at the following prices (please note that all prices are for unpainted sculpts and whilst they do include shipping worldwide they do not include paypal fees should you chose to pay as goods and services, which is always recommended):
(1) Unhatted sculpt = USD85
(2) Hatted sculpt = USD110
(3) Both 1x unhatted and 1x hatted sculpt = USD175
(4) Extra hat accessory = USD25
[All payments to be sent Waruna directly once he is satisfied with the test print. I will confirm details at that time or, if you are facebook user, you can go directly to him through facebook]
Waruna is ready to do a test print but before he can do so we need to finalise the body choice. I should be very grateful for your input here and will set out more ideas in another post.
B: Clothing Run
I mentioned a while ago that I would keep the list open all the while Waruna was working on the sculpts but once the portraits were available for order I would close the clothing list two weeks later. Well we are now really close to that moment which is awesome and thank you all for hanging in there.
Given our proximity, I propose that we close out the clothing deposit list at the end of the month (approximately three weeks from now) on 31 October 2018.
Please let me know by PM if you anticipate this deadline being an issue for you.
More good news has seen Waruna join the clothing run so we now have nine deposits in total which is great. This means that we have met critical mass and have the numbers to move forward without me needing to re-mortgage my house to make up the difference (my wife says thanks!). Currently I will be purchasing one more set than I had planned to in order to make up the minimum 10 required but I am confident that this won't be needed as more closet palaeontologists join us now that the sculpt is available and firm deadline set.
On 1 November 2018 I will be submitting the clothing deposit to Yunsil.