mad max the road warrior by idm customs outfit wip pg 20

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Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs

I've been totally bitten by the Mad Max bug and can't stop thinking of ways to do this custom figure. Sculpting all his gear by hand won't get the nice symmetry and hard edges on some of the parts so I did all the gear and bits in 3D and will get them printed. His shotgun and dog will be next in line and I'll spend the bulk of the time getting the head just right. Here's what I have so far on his gear.



Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs

I thought about that Bigbrocha, but that thing is really tiny I'm not sure if anyone can get that casted or printed. I rewatched the movie last night and if made in scale, it would be about 3mm or so.

I much prefer making a can or two of the Dinki-Di dog food cans than this. We can get Corrose to print the can labels. :p
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs

I was thinking they might be too small to cast, not sure how Rainman made those gobstoppers for his Wonka figure.
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs

omg omg omg. :) so pumped for this the 3d gear looks awesome sofar.thank you so much for offering these figures its one of my grails.
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs

One of my top 3 grails and I am huge fan of Johns work. I can't wait for this.
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs

Bigbrocha, the gobstoppers should be easier to cast since it's just a round ball. Or you could always buy some bb pellets and paint them also. :p The music box has some major undercuts and has more mechanical parts. I'm sure it could be pulled off, but I'm not sure how much people want it to justify the much more added cost. I haven't tried getting anything that small printed yet. I do know that there are limitations with some of the parts I have seen printed and the smaller the part the less details you can get out of it.
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of gear pg5)

Please add me to the list. I've had a Max of my own in the works for years, but just in case this winds up being the definitive figure, I need to be on the wait list, at least!
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of gear pg5)

Please include me in the interest list as well, thanks
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of gear pg5)

include me interested please
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of gear pg5)

I'd love to get on the list as well. Thanks.
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of gear pg5)

Already off to a great start with those digital sculpts. Can't wait till you get around to the head. Keep it up!
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of gear pg5)

I'm on a roll! Max's shotgun WIP. I can't stop thinking of this project. I'm trying to get all the 3D elements done so I can send it in to get it printed. It takes quite a long time to get everything printed and sent back so I figured I would get anything 3D done and while I wait to get it back, I would spend that time working on the headsculpt and his dog during that time frame.

I tried to get as many screengrabs as I could from the movie so if anyone sees anything odd or not correct, please let me know.

Here's what I have so far on Max's gun.

Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of gear pg5)

looks good to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of shotgun pg6)

wow insane skilz!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: mad max the road warrior by idm customs (maxs wip of gear pg5)

I'm on a roll! Max's shotgun WIP. I can't stop thinking of this project. I'm trying to get all the 3D elements done so I can send it in to get it printed. It takes quite a long time to get everything printed and sent back so I figured I would get anything 3D done and while I wait to get it back, I would spend that time working on the headsculpt and his dog during that time frame.

I tried to get as many screengrabs as I could from the movie so if anyone sees anything odd or not correct, please let me know.

Here's what I have so far on Max's gun.


is there a double trigger on shotgun????