Freaked Out!
Re: MG2065 + Yunsil Jim Carrey as THE MASK PREORDER OPEN
Deposit sent :wave
Deposit sent :wave
Deposit sent :wave
Hi, sounds good. The shoe covers are included but not the shoes.i want to buy the outfit only. are shoes and shoe covers a part of the outfit? or just shoe covers
Hi, sounds great. I just need the deposits to get the outfits going. Please send $520 now. ($385 for Mask outfit and $145 for Ipkiss outfit)
how long is the timeframe to order this?
Wanted to know that too...
Can i add Loki Mask in Option 2?
or is it possible to buy separate?
I'm going to crazy if sell only like that!
Hey ms, is the dx wolf head still availabe
Yes, still available
Cool, i want both the ipkiss and mask set, with the dx wolf head
deposit for "painted dx full set" sent !!
please confirm my payment. thanks