MICHAEL MYERS 1978 by Betomatali & Lu:ALL SHIPPED!!

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Thanks man. You will love the figure. Beto is the man. :)

Great review man. I don't own any Beto pieces(yet), so I have a couple of questions(for anyone with the answers :) ). You said that it's on an HT body. I'm assuming that you mean official HT TT and not a knock off. Does he offer all of his sets on real TT or did you port it over? Also, the hands that come with this, are they resin or ABS. I can't tell if he sculpted that gripping hand or he sourced out HT ones.
Beto chooses the best quality body for the appropriate proportion of the figure. Absolutely no knockoffs are used for his figures. Most all the time it's official Hottoys TT with the exception of certain muscle bodies but even then he uses the best quality available and he recreates/sculpts accurate chest/neck peices for proportion as well. All of his hands are custom made, Somthing you don't see these days. This is why he only does extremely limited runs, because he uses the absolute best materials available, from bodies to paint, to fabric etc.
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All i gutta say is One Of A Kind

Oh my God you are right!!
I almost forgot, we make massive production of 9 full custom figures, and you a "one of a kind" kit bash custom figure whit a Ones Customs headsculpt!! My work deseved a lower price, right??
by the way a question: if you thinks my figures are not good and are overpiced, Why you still writing in my threads??
Oh my God you are right!!
I almost forgot, we make massive production of 9 full custom figures, and you a "one of a kind" kit bash custom figure whit a Ones Customs headsculpt!! My work deseved a lower price, right??
by the way a question: if you thinks my figures are not good and are overpiced, Why you still writing in my threads??

Just ignore him Beto that is a classic case of the old “I wish I had that so I’m going to say its crap” :lol

No one who has one of your peaces in hand can say they are overpriced as you can see the quality and the hours you must put in to making these.
Great review man. I don't own any Beto pieces(yet), so I have a couple of questions(for anyone with the answers :) ). You said that it's on an HT body. I'm assuming that you mean official HT TT and not a knock off. Does he offer all of his sets on real TT or did you port it over? Also, the hands that come with this, are they resin or ABS. I can't tell if he sculpted that gripping hand or he sourced out HT ones.

Like others have said, the hands are sculpted by him and the bodies are always top notch. In this case it is an authentic HT body and you can tell the difference right away. There is never a reason to replace or port anything over. All I can say about the head sculpts, hands, and clothing is they always look and feel like they were professionally made by a major company. Correction...even better then some major companies. :)
Beto chooses the best quality body for the appropriate proportion of the figure. Absolutely no knockoffs are used for his figures. Most all the time it's official Hottoys TT with the exception of certain muscle bodies but even then he uses the best quality available and he recreates/sculpts accurate chest/neck peices for proportion as well. All of his hands are custom made, Somthing you don't see these days. This is why he only does extremely limited runs, because he uses the absolute best materials available, from bodies to paint, to fabric etc.

One of the other reasons are because the casts lose quality after about 20 sculpts.
Beto being a perfectionist will not sell a inferior product so just makes the small runs with a higher price :lecture
One of the other reasons are because the casts lose quality after about 20 sculpts.
Beto being a perfectionist will not sell a inferior product so just makes the small runs with a higher price :lecture

This word says it all. :lecture I have chatted with Beto a lot this past year since I had ordered his Freddy and Ash full figures and it is clear that he is a perfectionist and the thing about him is that rather then try to make the most money he can by making more figures, he is not willing to sell something if the quality is compromised in any way. Trust me I know. I begged him to make more Freddy part 2's at the time so I could buy one and he refused to do it because like Pete mentioned above, the casts were wearing out. He could have taken my money and tried it anyway, but he didn't. He is honest and great to do business with. I was lucky enough to get a Freddy 2 anyway second hand. If it wasn't for that, I would still be looking at pics here of him wishing I had one.
Thanks for the info fellas. Now I really want me some Beto stuff!!!!!

I was lucky enough to get a Freddy 2 anyway second hand. If it wasn't for that, I would still be looking at pics here of him wishing I had one.

I saw a post in the FS section a couple of weeks ago, and it was suddenly deleted. It was gone as quick as it came. Is that the one that you scored?
Oh my God you are right!!
I almost forgot, we make massive production of 9 full custom figures, and you a "one of a kind" kit bash custom figure whit a Ones Customs headsculpt!! My work deseved a lower price, right??
by the way a question: if you thinks my figures are not good and are overpiced, Why you still writing in my threads??

Public Forum.

I never said your figures were crappy. I happen to.like your figures. But when u came off as an arrogant doosher. That's when I spoke my mind. I never disliked any.of your work, just your personality and your lynch mob of fanboys
Public Forum.

I never said your figures were crappy. I happen to.like your figures. But when u came off as an arrogant doosher. That's when I spoke my mind. I never disliked any.of your work, just your personality and your lynch mob of fanboys

I think is better not answer anymore, you win Mike!! you are right!! I surrender! you are 100% right in anything you say or want to says!!

lets back to the figures
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Public Forum.

I never said your figures were crappy. I happen to.like your figures. But when u came off as an arrogant doosher. That's when I spoke my mind. I never disliked any.of your work, just your personality and your lynch mob of fanboys

Yes a public forum and like most of the guys on here I go on here for pleasure and a bit of escapism so no need for petty arguments like this.

I do not think Beto is a arrogant doosher by the looks of it you have scrutinized his work and called his prices ridiculous then he responded negatively to it. But what reaction did you expect? :dunno

And we are not fanboys we are his friends :nana:
Yes a public forum and like most of the guys on here I go on here for pleasure and a bit of escapism so no need for petty arguments like this.

I do not think Beto is a arrogant doosher by the looks of it you have scrutinized his work and called his prices ridiculous then he responded negatively to it. But what reaction did you expect? :dunno

And we are not fanboys we are his friends :nana:

Couldn't have said it better myself :clap
Public Forum.

I never said your figures were crappy. I happen to.like your figures. But when u came off as an arrogant doosher. That's when I spoke my mind. I never disliked any.of your work, just your personality and your lynch mob of fanboys

If you like his figures, then why did you bash it on my youtube channel only to then remove the comment? I saw the comment in my inbox before you removed it. You basically bashed everything about it and you are responsible for at least one of the dislike votes on that video. You have a right to your opinion and if you really didn't like the figure, I would respect that and wouldn't have an issue. However it is clear that you did it for spite based on your comment here about liking his figures. I wasn't going to get involved in this debate because like others have said, this forum is suppossed to be fun and not fighting with people. I never had an issue with you and for the most part when we have talked, we have gotten along and stayed out of each others way. However you now involved me because of posting on my video. I know it wasn't aimed at me personally but you seem to playing these games to ruin Beto's day and you dragged my video into it just because I was talking about one of his.

Once again, I would be fine with negative comments if someone really meant what they said. I do not respect negative comments based on mind games or grudges.

Last thing I will say is that Beto is anything but arrogant. I am not a fanboy like you say. My opinion on his figures are honest and what I really think. I have become friends with Beto but whether I chatted with him or not, I would feel the same way about his work. I did not know Beto very well at all when I purchased his Freddy 1 and Ash but I still gushed over what I received because of the quality.

I have no issue with you but please leave my business out of your fued. :peace
Yes I didnt like that figure. IMO ITS INACCURATE.


So which is it? You do like it...you don't like it? I don't get it.

Ok you have a right to your opinion even though deep down I know why you are saying the things you are saying.

Oh by the way.. my opinion is this is the best Myers figure ever made.

Ok our opinions have been expressed. Thanks!!!
Yes I didnt like that figure. IMO ITS INACCURATE.


If you don't like his Myers don't look at the thread I'm pretty sure not everyone likes your Myers that's why it hasn't sold:slap Just saying Personally I would have loved to get this bad boy and I hope he makes more later