Rainman wishlist thread

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And maybe make some money! If Travis happens, you can put more attention into making sick accessories for us!
All I want to say is I like Army's advise on how to approach your personal top 10. A want is a want and it's your own wish list and so on. And he's right if we were just doing this as a goof. But I really believe that the last survey is what helped bring Anton to life. So there is truley power in numbers as he says.

Keep in mind that this is the man that makes $800-$1000 pieces and he probably can only churn out 4 per YEAR. I just would like to see people keep that in mind and try to keep it focused and epic. This thread does have power and can make a difference so we should be careful :wink1:
Id really like to see what Rainman would want to do on his own accord after Anton... my money is on him doing some cowboy based figures...
Everything Rainman has done has been on his own accord.
Not really, other than a handful most have been figures he has opted to do from fan suggestions, I think Plainview, Caesar were one of the recent ones he did on his own... for example figures like Pee Wee, Wonka and Mart McFly was not from 'strictly speaking' his own idea, and like stated/speculated on this thread by the members themselves, Anton too was something born from a wishlist.

Thats what I mean when I say I would like to see what he would like to make on his own accord. His personal and independent choice of characters is what Im referring too...
Not really, other than a handful most have been figures he has opted to do from fan suggestions, I think Plainview, Caesar were one of the recent ones he did on his own... for example figures like Pee Wee, Wonka and Mart McFly was not from 'strictly speaking' his own idea, and like stated/speculated on this thread by the members themselves, Anton too was something born from a wishlist.

Thats what I mean when I say I would like to see what he would like to make on his own accord. His personal and independent choice of characters is what Im referring too...

I still disagree. The choices have been Rainman choices. It's no coincidence that he
happens to be a fan of these characters the same way millions of others are! Anton
without a doubt was a Rainman personal, just look at how that thing is turning out.

If he were really pushed to do characters from his customers, wouldn't we have a Travis Bickle Yet? It's common knowledge this figure has been burning in the minds of many fans. I think people are committed to a Rainman Bickle at this point.
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I'm not the biggest David Lynch fan, but I would have to buy this if Rainman made it:


and like Robbie, I'm not so into Bickle, but I would love a nice 1/6 scale Deniro of some sort. My first choice might actually be this:

I don't want it to turn into a drawn out convo or an argument for that matter but I do believe that most of his pieces have been greatly influenced by fan demand. I'm sure they are usually characters that he is interested in too, but I think it's a huge misconception that he's not paying very close attention to what the fans want and these choices are solely his own. So based on that thinking it's a misconception to think that his work comes out better when it's strictly his own choice, because aside from early pieces like Chaplin and GBU, I'd say all of them have heavy fan influence involved. And there is nothing wrong with that. He uses his artistic freedom. But he is a business man as well as an artist and he's not dumb.

P.S. I think that Lucy is one of the only more recent pieces that came from out of no where. But she was born as an accompaniment to Alex and Alex is another piece that had fan demand. After Alex was done there was a lot of talk (by boardies) on things to go with him like an accessory pack with p-nis statue and a Beethoven bust, etc. There was also talk of the chic tables from the Karova. Then Lucy popped up and I believe it was a surprise to people.

P.S.S. Plainview was by far not solely his uninflunced choice

I could do that. :wave

Here's my top 10 in no particular order. These just need to be touched by the man. No doubt in my mind.:peace

1.Dorothy (Judy Garland)-The Wizard of OZ
2 & 3.Pedro DePacas and the Man
(Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong)-Up In Smoke
4.**** Tracy (Warren Beatty)-**** Tracy
5.Travis Bickle (Robert Deniro)-Taxi Driver
6.Prince Akeem (Eddie Murphy)-Coming to America
7 & 8.Walter Sobchak and Jesus Quintana (John Goodman and John Tuturro)-The Big Lebowski
9 & 10. Vincent Vega and Jules Winfield (John Travolta and Samuel Jackson)- Pulp Fiction.
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Walter Sobchak and Jesus Quintana (John Goodman and John Tuturro)-The Big Lebowski
And there you have it, folks. This is all Rainman really needs to do to cap off an amazing career. Thread can be closed now.

That would be sick, but also I don't know how I'd feel about having him on my shelf.
Same here. I actually feel the same way about Alex from Clockwork. Guys who engage in acts of sexual violence on screen. . .
How about this choice for a new years figure? Not sure about you fellas but she's always had a special place in my heart since childhood. Caught the bluray the other night and I was a kid all over again. Seeing Audrey I know Rainman would kill this. Basket and Toto! Ruby Red Slippers! Maybe it could be a series and we could get the whole gang as well. Sick Sick Sick! Who's with me???! Rainman does OZ!




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