Rocco DREDD 3D (Dredd and Anderson Head Sculpts)

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Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

Personally I wouldn't be happy to shell out much more on this as I feel with all the reference pictures of the helmet floating around it should have been spot on this time. I honestly don't know how the helmet got so far off course!

I was planning on using the head and finding a new helmet.

The helmet is now completely the wrong shape IMO and would need completely re-sculpting.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

Normally for any more changes Rocco charges $50. At the moment if the amount of people stayed on the list and the price stayed the same there would be enough money left over to cover this, but I assume it will be up to Monger.

People who have paid the deposit or fully paid are probably committed to the project so I'd count them in so a total of 22. So $60 for the sculpt (not including postage cost) comes to $1320. The commission costs & casting comes to $1050. That would leave $270.

I would be a lot more happier if changes were made to the helmet.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

Normally for any more changes Rocco charges $50. At the moment if the amount of people stayed on the list and the price stayed the same there would be enough money left over to cover this, but I assume it will be up to Monger.

People who have paid the deposit or fully paid are probably committed to the project so I'd count them in so a total of 22. So $60 for the sculpt (not including postage cost) comes to $1320. The commission costs & casting comes to $1050. That would leave $270.

I would be a lot more happier if changes were made to the helmet.

Agreed with you there and seeing that money is left over i would much rather see it go to the changes. It could potentially bring in even more buyers. I dont see why we should just settle. IT was a project we made happen why not do it right
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

done the math myself their is money their for improvement so i don't know why it has not been addressed yet.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

I will talk to Rocco about it. Also I highly doubt any form of elitism/status has anything to do with how hard or careful he works with his projects.

For those completely unsatisfied, I can't stop you from requesting a refund from the looks of things so for those who leave I suppose the list would be reopened as to replace them with people who, like me, like the sculpt. Those complaining about how long it is taking for the project to finish then should realize by complaining about the actual sculpt they are just doing themselves harm.
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Normally for any more changes Rocco charges $50. At the moment if the amount of people stayed on the list and the price stayed the same there would be enough money left over to cover this, but I assume it will be up to Monger.

People who have paid the deposit or fully paid are probably committed to the project so I'd count them in so a total of 22. So $60 for the sculpt (not including postage cost) comes to $1320. The commission costs & casting comes to $1050. That would leave $270.

I would be a lot more happier if changes were made to the helmet.

As a fully paid party I want the helmet fixed.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

I believe I may have the 2nd sculpt on the front page rather than the third. The difference is the more square helmet. Let me fix that real quick.

There both sculpts have their final pics up on the front page. I apologize for that.
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Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

Thats the versions people are upset about i believe. The visor is lower which it should be but overal the helm is too round now i think is the major issue.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

Thats the versions people are upset about i believe. The visor is lower which it should be but overal the helm is too round now i think is the major issue.

I know it's the version the above were complaining about, but I'm not really thinking too much on them. Want to make sure the others know what they are getting.

Also I think most of the issues came from people still critiquing the helmet a few sculpts back, when it was pretty much perfect at the time. I talked to Rocco and he felt the same way (that he had already had it accurate but people kept suggesting new changes so he went with it).
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

yes it was accurate but the visor need to sit lower. now it sits lower but the helmet is rounder.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

The problem is that between version 2 an 3, suddenly the helmet is completely different.
There were some details to change but this seems like a complete new helmet.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *CLOSED*

Its a real shame, this was probably the one sculpt I was looking forward to getting above several HT sculpts. ( Its a character that I've grown up with and have a certain fondness for). I was hoping that the helmet shape would be addressed as I would hate to try to modify it myself .

I know that its none of my business but it does seem that the majority want to see a reworked sculpt.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Man i'm saying as other people since two weeks that the helmet shape is wrong so THIS imo should be changed.
You didn't updated us since weeks and all of a sudden a few days ago you stated that the dredd is final! Really?

So basically you're saying that it won't change. That if we are not happy we can drop out?
Man seriously this is a joke!!
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Lol....the whole thing is fine to me. HT has figures that are not 100% accurate but still purchase them. For $50 it's not bad IMO....ill take it.
I think Rocco's work on this looks great for the price....
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Man i'm saying as other people since two weeks that the helmet shape is wrong so THIS imo should be changed.
You didn't updated us since weeks and all of a sudden a few days ago you stated that the dredd is final! Really?

So basically you're saying that it won't change. That if we are not happy we can drop out?
Man seriously this is a joke!!

What do you mean? It was clear that Rocco has a certain number of free changes and that the pictures uploaded were the second revised Dredd, therefore the final one.

In fact I went back through the thread just to make sure

"Likewise I will post the final Dredd sculpts. Keep in mind at this point it would cost extra to actually change Dredd again so for most it might be best to just be happy with it."

Posted that page 33 and following I posted the final set of pictures for Dredd.

You're free to critique the sculpt or my methods, but don't give me straight up lies. You indeed were not happy with the helmet immediately after pictures were uploaded and I am not arguing that you never voiced your opinion. I am definitely arguing that you are a single person though and yes people agree with you, but that does not multiply you.

I'm providing the option of dropping out for those seriously unhappy. I am trying to gauge reception and I see a vocal minority in particular highly critiquing it. Just because people do not post in this thread does not mean they do not exist, but there seems to be a handful of people here fairly confident they are all that matters in this world. I've actually received a number of complaints through PMs detailing that and how they are happy with the sculpt. Having boardies create a hostile environment for the other members is simply unacceptable and may in part be why I have heard so little from many on the list. I would like to hear from more and I have already contacted the non payers to see what they are up to.

And following the final Dredd pictures I got feedback such as "Really happy with how dredd came out" and "nailed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" of course by the same people now critiquing it. Who is to say that if I actually went through with paying for the revisions people wouldn't suddenly say they want the current Dredd sculpt?

And here's a few more:

"The helmet looks perfect to me. The sculpt is reeking with Urban's likeness. Rocco nailed this one."

I am trying not to solo people out, but I want to direct quote to convince that I am not making these up. Also, I have no ill feelings toward anyone in particular so please excuse any negativity that may be interpreted from my response. I am trying to respond as clearly as possible so it may come off as hostile. Looking back maybe I should have bolded that this was the final sculpt as there were various photo edits and discussing differences they would like to see afterward, but in all honesty that is something that is in EVERY 1/6 thread even if it is made by Hot Toys and they know the sculpt won't be changed.

I try to tread lightly here and I wish not to offend anyone, but I cannot just let some of these comments slip by at this point.

Whew that was a mouthful :)
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Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

bro the head is spot on but all people are trying to say is the helmet needs to be adjusted that's all. remember hot toys dosen't give a s**t what people think,they will just put it out and that's it. the custom section is not hot toys and i think it should be taken into accountability. their will be money left over from this project so take and have the helmet revised. that's all that is being asked.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

bro the head is spot on but all people are trying to say is the helmet needs to be adjusted that's all. remember hot toys dosen't give a s**t what people think,they will just put it out and that's it. the custom section is not hot toys and i think it should be taken into accountability. their will be money left over from this project so take and have the helmet revised. that's all that is being asked.

I understand that dude and while Hot Toys might not care much what people say, I obviously care about what is being said here which is why I am taking the time to consider, read, and respond to the posts.

Let me ask you this then. What are the implications of revising the sculpt? Basically it means all interested parties need to be consulted once again this time to cast a vote of sorts asking if they would prefer sticking with the current sculpt or chancing another revised edition. There is not even certainty that the next version will be more to the general liking. One of my main points was that there are about thirty people in on this, not six.

And yet at the same time there is a huge push for me to get this project ended. What is it you guys actually want? Both things cannot be fulfilled. I have people pushing to get Dredd out as soon as possible AND I have people pushing to get Dredd redone. In fact they are the same people. I don't have all the answers, but I'm trying to get things finalized and ready for people. It's already a huge setback to have a sudden drop in Anderson interest, but that's how the cookie crumbles and I am willing to accept that.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

people don't like the way anderson looks and for the price people are passing on the sculpt but they don't want to speak up so they drop off the interest for her. i'll say it again the sculpt is spot on just fix the helmet and it's all good bro.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

So how many people out of 30 are complaining about the head? 3-4?
What exactly is wrong with the helmet? You will never get perfection when it comes to sculpting unless you pay for it. $50 bucks when you start paying in the $1000....then i can see for adjustments even if its very small adjustments like this one...but 4 out of 30 people that have an issue with the helmet...i can understand if there is a majority rules but i only see a small amount that have issues. Helmet is fine....imo...leave it up to Rocco
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

I don't like the helmet either, I was planning on dremeling it down or going with one an alternative from the vinyl kit or or a copy from ebay. It is too round.