Rocco DREDD 3D (Dredd and Anderson Head Sculpts)

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Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

If I have time I'll try to faux paint the current protos so people can see how they might look painted.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Dredd looks fine to me, but if people really want the helmet changed and the money to change the helmet is already there then I'm cool with waiting. Anderson sometimes I think it's off still other times I see the likeness I'm not a great judge on these things, maybe once it's painted it will be more clear. But same thing goes if people are really unhappy and the interest is still there and the money is there to change it then cool whatever. Just as long as this doesn't end up costing a ton more then it is already I'm still in, I just need a little bit of time to get the final payment is all.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

What do you mean? It was clear that Rocco has a certain number of free changes and that the pictures uploaded were the second revised Dredd, therefore the final one.

In fact I went back through the thread just to make sure

"Likewise I will post the final Dredd sculpts. Keep in mind at this point it would cost extra to actually change Dredd again so for most it might be best to just be happy with it."

Posted that page 33 and following I posted the final set of pictures for Dredd.

You're free to critique the sculpt or my methods, but don't give me straight up lies. You indeed were not happy with the helmet immediately after pictures were uploaded and I am not arguing that you never voiced your opinion. I am definitely arguing that you are a single person though and yes people agree with you, but that does not multiply you.

I'm providing the option of dropping out for those seriously unhappy. I am trying to gauge reception and I see a vocal minority in particular highly critiquing it. Just because people do not post in this thread does not mean they do not exist, but there seems to be a handful of people here fairly confident they are all that matters in this world. I've actually received a number of complaints through PMs detailing that and how they are happy with the sculpt. Having boardies create a hostile environment for the other members is simply unacceptable and may in part be why I have heard so little from many on the list. I would like to hear from more and I have already contacted the non payers to see what they are up to.

And following the final Dredd pictures I got feedback such as "Really happy with how dredd came out" and "nailed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" of course by the same people now critiquing it. Who is to say that if I actually went through with paying for the revisions people wouldn't suddenly say they want the current Dredd sculpt?

And here's a few more:

"The helmet looks perfect to me. The sculpt is reeking with Urban's likeness. Rocco nailed this one."

I am trying not to solo people out, but I want to direct quote to convince that I am not making these up. Also, I have no ill feelings toward anyone in particular so please excuse any negativity that may be interpreted from my response. I am trying to respond as clearly as possible so it may come off as hostile. Looking back maybe I should have bolded that this was the final sculpt as there were various photo edits and discussing differences they would like to see afterward, but in all honesty that is something that is in EVERY 1/6 thread even if it is made by Hot Toys and they know the sculpt won't be changed.

I try to tread lightly here and I wish not to offend anyone, but I cannot just let some of these comments slip by at this point.

Whew that was a mouthful :)

I take it that I'm included in the minority who think they are all that matter ? I've given a lot to this thread with ref pics and such . Seems to me that I've wasted my time as such I'll not be helping anyone else out with this , which is a shame as I received some really good ref pics too.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

So how many people out of 30 are complaining about the head? 3-4?
What exactly is wrong with the helmet? You will never get perfection when it comes to sculpting unless you pay for it. $50 bucks when you start paying in the $1000....then i can see for adjustments even if its very small adjustments like this one...but 4 out of 30 people that have an issue with the helmet...i can understand if there is a majority rules but i only see a small amount that have issues. Helmet is fine....imo...leave it up to Rocco

Dude you're worng i'm sorry.
I'm not a nithpicker usually but i think the helmet is far form being perfect. Shape is compltely off and need to be revised.

That being said i'm out of here and will not contribute anymore.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

I've re-read your post Monger and I'm interested to find out how many people pm'd complaints . It is a pity that the concerns weren't voiced here as we were all basically working towards the same goal. There is a lot of enthusiasm about projects on this board and this can be seen as being negative sometimes, but more often than not there is no malice intended. I think a lot of it could be disappointment that manifests itself and it comes off that way.

I'm sure that many would still buy this in a heartbeat , myself included , if the sculpt can be revisited as we all want to make the best figures possible.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Some people might not like to comment so why don't you set a poll up with the following questions.

I am happy with the helmet

I would like the helmet adjusted

I am not bothered

This way you can get a proper count of how many or not want changes. Send everyone on the list a pm asking them to vote in the poll.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Just because a few have voiced their disapproval doesn't mean they are in the minority, unless you have something from everyone on the buy list you don't know for certain. There is no point in assuming as it gets us all nowhere.

Issues were raised before this little flurry of comments but they were not addressed at that point, so I'm not surprised it's coming up again. As it wasn't even acknowledged the last time I just resigned myself to the fact that the Dredd sculpt was final, if there is a chance of changing it I would wait but I will not put more funds towards this seeing as their appears to be enough money left over to cover the cost of some changes.

My impatience is being born from the fact that this project is taking a long time, people's concerns seem to fall on deaf ears...... (....blind eyes?) And lastly if there was no chance of Dredd being re-evaluated then yes I wanted this whole deal over and done with so I can move on.

A poll is a good idea as like Thanatos said there are a number of people who don't like to speak up and be singled out. Considering the negative reaction to those who have spoken out thus far I wouldn’t be surprised if people are refraining from commenting because they don’t wish to be singled out and beaten like a piñata.

As for cost, if someone was just having this done for them it would be costing $500 for that I would expect near damn perfection. That doesn't change just because more people are on board! Comparing custom figures to Hot Toys mass production is pointless, this is a group project whereby each individual can have input, you don't get that with Hot Toys. They price it, you buy it or you don't.

As a project leader you need to listen to all, gain feedback from all and not be seen to attack people for speaking out. Pretty much saying it’s my way or the highway is unacceptable.

It is difficult doing a custom commission for a group as you won't please everyone, however issues and concerns need to be dealt with and where a solution is available it should at least be evaluated by the group. Sometimes it's easy to look at a sculpt at first and say "hey, that's spot on" only to look at some comparison pics and see that various bits and pieces now don't look right when compared to a still/screen shot.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Just because a few have voiced their disapproval doesn't mean they are in the minority, unless you have something from everyone on the buy list you don't know for certain. There is no point in assuming as it gets us all nowhere.

Issues were raised before this little flurry of comments but they were not addressed at that point, so I'm not surprised it's coming up again. As it wasn't even acknowledged the last time I just resigned myself to the fact that the Dredd sculpt was final, if there is a chance of changing it I would wait but I will not put more funds towards this seeing as their appears to be enough money left over to cover the cost of some changes.

My impatience is being born from the fact that this project is taking a long time, people's concerns seem to fall on deaf ears...... (....blind eyes?) And lastly if there was no chance of Dredd being re-evaluated then yes I wanted this whole deal over and done with so I can move on.

A poll is a good idea as like Thanatos said there are a number of people who don't like to speak up and be singled out. Considering the negative reaction to those who have spoken out thus far I wouldn’t be surprised if people are refraining from commenting because they don’t wish to be singled out and beaten like a piñata.

As for cost, if someone was just having this done for them it would be costing $500 for that I would expect near damn perfection. That doesn't change just because more people are on board! Comparing custom figures to Hot Toys mass production is pointless, this is a group project whereby each individual can have input, you don't get that with Hot Toys. They price it, you buy it or you don't.

As a project leader you need to listen to all, gain feedback from all and not be seen to attack people for speaking out. Pretty much saying it’s my way or the highway is unacceptable.

It is difficult doing a custom commission for a group as you won't please everyone, however issues and concerns need to be dealt with and where a solution is available it should at least be evaluated by the group. Sometimes it's easy to look at a sculpt at first and say "hey, that's spot on" only to look at some comparison pics and see that various bits and pieces now don't look right when compared to a still/screen shot.

That is a well thought out and executed view of the situation. I couldn't have worded it better myself. Thank you. :)
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

I agree, I think we should have the poll and get this finished. As I've stated before I think the helmet could use some reworking.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Do the poll and see how many are cool with it and how man want revisions. I think the object here is to try and help this project happen and not destroy it. I understand this is Monger's first time beign lead in a project...sorry Elvis but its his first time and your bailing out instead of giving some advice bro. A lot of people like myself look up to you and your work in the customizing and input is needed but instead of just dropping out...can't you just help a brotha out? Personally assist with Monger off the thread?
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Do the poll and see how many are cool with it and how man want revisions. I think the object here is to try and help this project happen and not destroy it. I understand this is Monger's first time beign lead in a project...sorry Elvis but its his first time and your bailing out instead of giving some advice bro. A lot of people like myself look up to you and your work in the customizing and input is needed but instead of just dropping out...can't you just help a brotha out? Personally assist with Monger off the thread?

Dude what are you talking about.
I give a lot of advices on how to improve heads. Did you read the whole thread?
I even asked Monger to give him so help to deal with rocco but he said he wanted to take care of this himself.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Do the poll and see how many are cool with it and how man want revisions. I think the object here is to try and help this project happen and not destroy it. I understand this is Monger's first time beign lead in a project...sorry Elvis but its his first time and your bailing out instead of giving some advice bro. A lot of people like myself look up to you and your work in the customizing and input is needed but instead of just dropping out...can't you just help a brotha out? Personally assist with Monger off the thread?

Odellwyoung34 you need to read back through the thread elvis put in loads of ideas on improving the sculpt and they just seemed to get ignored. He photoshopped stuff and everything. Along with quite a few other members on here.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *WIP UPDATE*

Super quick comparison:


A simple illustration of the issue with the helmet.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Dude what are you talking about.
I give a lot of advices on how to improve heads. Did you read the whole thread?
I even asked Monger to give him so help to deal with rocco but he said he wanted to take care of this himself.

My bad....would like to see everyone satisfied....:dunno
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

I think 2 more weeks of waiting is probably not going to kill this project assuming that we can get it to a point where more people are happy. Maybe Rocco will be open to fixing the helmet if we just let him see that final comparison pic. I know this is just one of many many projects Rocco is sculpting but I'm sure he'd like all of them to be up to his standards.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

So how many people out of 30 are complaining about the head? 3-4?
What exactly is wrong with the helmet? You will never get perfection when it comes to sculpting unless you pay for it. $50 bucks when you start paying in the $1000....then i can see for adjustments even if its very small adjustments like this one...but 4 out of 30 people that have an issue with the helmet...i can understand if there is a majority rules but i only see a small amount that have issues. Helmet is fine....imo...leave it up to Rocco

You got the price wrong for a start, try $65 . The helmet is the wrong shape , they weren't complaints, they were observations. If you're happy to settle for something less than it could be that's your choice. I wanted something that looks like the character, hell there was enough reference pics to show all of the different angles and such . And the people who were supposedly complaining , did you notice that these were the same people who offered help with this ? I didn't see many other people helping out . This is the mentality with most of the people on this board, sit back and let all the others do the work. ( ref pics, small kits etc )

Rocco is capable of giving everyone what they want, he's proven that with his other sculpts. Because this isn't a popular character I think the interest and passion from him just isn't there.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

You got the price wrong for a start, try $65 . The helmet is the wrong shape , they weren't complaints, they were observations. If you're happy to settle for something less than it could be that's your choice. I wanted something that looks like the character, hell there was enough reference pics to show all of the different angles and such . And the people who were supposedly complaining , did you notice that these were the same people who offered help with this ? I didn't see many other people helping out . This is the mentality with most of the people on this board, sit back and let all the others do the work. ( ref pics, small kits etc )

Rocco is capable of giving everyone what they want, he's proven that with his other sculpts. Because this isn't a popular character I think the interest and passion from him just isn't there.

Well he is the one sculpting it...the changes are up to i guess we will see. I think its fine...but we will see.
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Well he is the one sculpting it...the changes are up to i guess we will see. I think its fine...but we will see.

Wait.... what? :slap I'm confused by this statement, Rocco was commissioned to do a sculpt by someone who paid him to do it. It is up to the individual/s who requested the commission to make changes, not the sculptor. That would be like going to have your portrait done by a professional painter, them producing something different to what you wanted and then saying "ah well, he painted it so it was up to him" :lol

Maybe I read your statement wrong, I don't know :dunno
Re: Rocco Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson Head Sculpts *REOPENED*

Wait.... what? :slap I'm confused by this statement, Rocco was commissioned to do a sculpt by someone who paid him to do it. It is up to the individual/s who requested the commission to make changes, not the sculptor. That would be like going to have your portrait done by a professional painter, them producing something different to what you wanted and then saying "ah well, he painted it so it was up to him" :lol

Maybe I read your statement wrong, I don't know :dunno

I'lllllll just stay out of it and see what