Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ
Also, just in case everyone was not aware. I'm not making any money on this at all.
I did this purely for the love of the character and sculpt. But I still had a couple of
people question my motives, which I didn't understand at all.
A large majority of the sculpt money, went to Bates82(owner of the sculpt) leaving
some for shipping cost. That was the deal made to get his permission to use Caine's
awesome head.
I pay the same for everything just like you and even lost
some money with international shipping cost going up recently.
For there was a good amount of International customers on the heads.
I didn't care, I thought it worth it to get this project out. So I didn't mind doing all the work
because I wanted it done right. I am confident that it will better than the other
offerings coming out and when it's done, you will see that as well.
That's all I'm going to say about this and I'm excited to see the final product.
I hope you are to.
Maybe we'll get lucky and Geewhiz will finish the outfit early.
Cross your fingers.
