*RUN CLOSED* 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C set Caine & Geewhiz.

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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: FINAL PAYMENTS DUES

Payment sent for head sculpt! Thanks!

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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: FINAL PAYMENTS DUES

Payment sent for head sculpt! Thanks!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Didn't think you were going to make it there...:lol

Updating 1st post

Please make sure to send me you real name and address in a PM.
Since it doesn't show up on the paypal payment, unless you put it in the notes.
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

The shirt details and approach sound good to me, thanks!
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Alright everyone....it's official..Outfit payment is made to Geewhiz and we're on the clock.
Always painful to see that much disappear from my paypal, even if it wasn't really mine...:lol

Don't suppose that all of the full outfit people want to do an additional payment
to cover Geewhiz's handling fee. I keep forgetting about that. It would be $17.64
each paid to me, since I paid it. Just wondering.

Full OFOTCN Outfit Payment.JPG
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Also, just in case everyone was not aware. I'm not making any money on this at all.
I did this purely for the love of the character and sculpt. But I still had a couple of
people question my motives, which I didn't understand at all.

A large majority of the sculpt money, went to Bates82(owner of the sculpt) leaving
some for shipping cost. That was the deal made to get his permission to use Caine's
awesome head.

I pay the same for everything just like you and even lost
some money with international shipping cost going up recently.
For there was a good amount of International customers on the heads.

I didn't care, I thought it worth it to get this project out. So I didn't mind doing all the work
because I wanted it done right. I am confident that it will better than the other
offerings coming out and when it's done, you will see that as well.

That's all I'm going to say about this and I'm excited to see the final product.

I hope you are to.

Maybe we'll get lucky and Geewhiz will finish the outfit early.
Cross your fingers. :pray:


Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Will pay that extra cost as soon as I get in front of my laptop ike. Thank you for doing this.

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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Me too, Thanks.
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Okay, to keep everyone in the loop, here are the fabric choices we have.
He has gotten the leather and has sent me this picture for color choices.

I know that I would prefer: Jeans 1 or 2, Chambray 1 & Olive 1.
I guess I like it a little darker, that way I can do more weathering to my liking.
Where as if it's to light, you can't really add any fading or weathering.

But I would like everyone's input, if they want to give it.
I'll take as much input as you want to give for the next 48 hours.
Then we move on so we can get the outfits started.


Last edited:
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Jean 2 / chambray 1 / olive 2

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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Additional payment sent! My choice would be Jeans 2, chambray 1, olive 2. Thanks!
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Jean 2 - chambray 1 - olive 2 for me too, thanks
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Agree with the above: Jeans 2, Chambray 1, Olive 2.