SEANJOB sheriff belt, pistol, and accessories(NOW SHIPPING)

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I have spots on the second run list. If anyone on the first run list needs more time to get it together and want to swap spots with me, let me know!!!
You might be on the second list.

Think Sean is just waiting for the last few people to pay.
i would like a spot i anyway drops out or theres any extra but please sean get back to me i havent heard from you.
Full Payment Paid List
1 elvis1976 RB976259917HK
2 Entopy LK032970823HK
3 Bates82 EA999272369HK (EMS)
4 edovisious RB976259934HK
5 mmmmbrains LK032970837HK
6 Buttmunch LK032970845HK
7 philmah RB976259948HK
8 mike1185 EA999272341HK (EMS)
9 mightyjabba RB976259925HK
10 Ajkhunter LK032970823HK
11 Transhi10 LK032970868HK
12 Miketek EA999272355HK (EMS)
13 Miketek EA999272355HK (EMS)
14 Raul Anubis LK032970871HK
15 MwNN EA133612737HK (EMS)
16 bruhkis EA133612745HK (EMS)
17 SwampYack EA133612754HK (EMS)
18 jeffthecollector RB976946155HK
19 hotslayer73 EA133612768HK (EMS)
20 MightyQ EA133612771HK (EMS)
21 MightyQ EA133612771HK (EMS)
22 MightyQ EA133612771HK (EMS)
23 MightyQ EA133612771HK (EMS)
24 Kid_A LK033872495HK
25 Pajji LK033872500HK
26 bruin1773 LK033872513HK
27 Shadowx81 LK034523032HK
28 Peteskywalker EA133612785HK(EMS)
29 Peteskywalker EA133612785HK (EMS)
30 Qbomb71 (iMan's spot) LK034518987HK
31 ToyAdventurer LK034518995HK
32 it0778 EA133612799HK (EMS)
33 levit05 LK034519007HK
34 PopCultKid (Darkchylde80's spot) EA133612808HK (EMS)
35 tighfighter RB977444186HK
36 bullet RB979054002HK
37 Laney74 RB980339245HK
38 Laney74 RB980339245HK
39 Pinder91 LK038033082HK

Deposit Paid List
1 chubbyman 30/03
2 Darkchylde80 31/03+EMS
3 Blitzout 07/04
4 T.Bowen 15/04
5 T.Bowen 15/04
6 T.Bowen 15/04

image_zpse322fcf1.jpg all we need is the 2nd run to start after the last few remaining are complete. Any updates again?

I think the 2nd run could be awhile off mate cos of how busy Sean currently is. Best asking shortround he's in direct contact with him for this project :)