No thoughts on improving the outfit a bit gents? I know I’m not the only one that can see that
BTW, I was looking through the reference pics and I saw that Rocky's fedora hat has a turquoise colored feather, am I right ?, any more pics of it ? I can't find any reference.
I did find something similar :
Might use that image for reference and paint the feather accordingly.
Should I add the feather ? I didn't know it had a feather.
I was gonna PM you that to ask if you already knew but I figured that you did. He does have a light blue feather; I think there may be a second feather of a different color there too.
No thoughts on improving the outfit a bit gents? I know I’m not the only one that can see that
BTW, I was looking through the reference pics and I saw that Rocky's fedora hat has a turquoise colored feather, am I right ?, any more pics of it ? I can't find any reference.
I did find something similar :
Might use that image for reference and paint the feather accordingly.
Should I add the feather ? I didn't know it had a feather.
Its quite a large feather more broad than long almost fanned out.
Any clearer image ? The feather might be fanned out because of the wind or something.
That one and the other you posted earlier are the only 2 I have with a shot of the feather leave it with me will scroll through see what I can dig up
You can tell by the ridges that the feather in both pics are pretty much the same size in breadth however you could be right about potentially the wind having an effect in the second pic as the placement is slightly different
The shirt could use some tighten up for sure, as for the Jacket, I think fixing the pointy shoulders might correct the problem IMO.
Even if this isn't the actual screen used prop (I'm not saying that it's not but there are a lot of fakes and imitations in the screen used game. There are only a couple of really reputable sellers) it does have an accurate band. On Rocky’s hat he had this loop that the feather went thru as opposed to the more common bow found on pork pies/fedoras.