Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher: LIST CLOSED, SHIPPED

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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

And as an aside I have the prints of the SPAS being done as we speak. No one has paid yet but no big deal, I know you guys are good. Can't wait to get them all in so I can sand and paint. I also have wheels for the dolly's coming (at least to cover the 3 people I know want them).
Just wanted to let you know that I'm good, really good, because I just paid for my 1/4 SPAS-12. It's good to be good.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Just wanted to let you know that I'm good, really good, because I just paid for my 1/4 SPAS-12. It's good to be good.

Awesome, got it!
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

it's funny, i've seen one of those carts (a red one) IRL today :)
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Control box bouquet...


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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Any updates when 1/6 launchers will be finished and shipped?
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Control box bouquet...


Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

My BD T-800 cannot wait to tell Sarah Connor that he cannot self-terminate! :yess:
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Any updates when 1/6 launchers will be finished and shipped?
I have an email to the caster for an update on the remaining casts. Once I have that timeline I'll be able to update everyone.

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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Hey guys, just a little update. I heard back (short reply) from the caster. He is working on the 1:4 launchers and batch two of the 1:6 scale launchers. H ehad an issue with the 1:4 scale molds which has held things up a bit. However, he is not often great about giving me a solid timeline (no criticism meant, he is awesome, I think he just doesn't want to overpromise), so I am just waiting to hear back from him on when they'll all be finished.

In the meantime I have painted all the Paid 1:6 control boxes and added the black shrink tubing to all the cables. I received in the dolly wheels and SPAS prints today as well for those interested. I only have 1 SPAS paid for and no dolly payments, which is fine... I will fabricate the dollys and paint the SPAS's based on those who have expressed continued interest and we'll worry about final payments as I complete things. I will post a few pics of everything that came in, and again, thanks to everyone for your understanding on the timeline... I can only move as fast as I get my casts in:impatient:
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Come on guys, get those payments in! Doc is doing us a favor with all this stuff. Do you want him to take all his toys and go home.......er......well, he's already home.......so someplace else then!
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Come on guys, get those payments in! Doc is doing us a favor with all this stuff. Do you want him to take all his toys and go home.......er......well, he's already home.......so someplace else then!

Haha... actually... I'm at work.. SHHHHHHHHH............

In all seriousness, though, the payments aren't a huge deal right now but I appreciate the sentiments. The only issue it makes for me is, since I don't know who all is 100% commited on certain projects, I don't know how many of each thing to make/have printed/etc., so I have to go off who has expressed heavy interest. SO, if someone expresses heavy interest and then DOESN'T want something, I am stuck with a fabricated/printed/painted item with no one to sell it to. I don't want that:(

For example, 4 of you have expressed serious interest in the SPAS, so I have 4 prints... but only one payment. As long as those interested folow through no biggie, but if not... I have extra SPAS's I need to unload somewhere... eBay? This is my only issue, haha.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

Now wouldn't these be awesome Wolverine claws!

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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

i didn't leave anything unpaid that was already made and ready to ship, my conscience is clean :)
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

i didn't leave anything unpaid that was already made and ready to ship, my conscience is clean :)
Everyone can have a clean conscience, I'm loose with the payments[emoji1] [emoji106] [emoji1]

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

How long til the 1/6 Grenade Launchers start shipping so I know if my PAID waitlist will convert, or if I'm owed money and can put it toward the Control Box?
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

How long til the 1/6 Grenade Launchers start shipping so I know if my PAID waitlist will convert, or if I'm owed money and can put it toward the Control Box?
Pretty sure everyone on the waitlist gets a launcher from the second batch being produced.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher FINAL CALL 1:4 launcher, control boxes

How long til the 1/6 Grenade Launchers start shipping so I know if my PAID waitlist will convert, or if I'm owed money and can put it toward the Control Box?

Hey there, I have been busy at work and didn't see this, sorry! If you have Paid and it shows up as PAID on page one you have secured a launcher, so don't worry! As rjszar mentioned I am just waiting on batch two to actually COMPLETE the launchers for all those that have paid. So don't worry!

That being said, anyone who never responded or to this point hasn't paid on the interested list, you are out of luck. I didn't officially set a cutoff, but it has been long enough that if you have not paid yet through the multiple calls and announcements, there is no launcher secured. I sent PMs to every single person on the list, and I constantly update the thread, and I figured that was enough heads up for everyone.

*** Edit: For the LAST TWO people on the list, you were added after I placed my cast orders. So you do not pay me yet; only once I figure out if there are any leftovers. I hope everything is clear!
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