Diorama [Toribox Update] Ultimate Custom 1/6 'E.T. & Elliott | Flight & Goodbye Scene'

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The design phase of the movie accurate custom 1/6 outfit by Toribox is nearing completion, another big step taken. The small series can now be produced. We took a new approach for the zipper to have an accurate number of teeth (almost final on the shown proto, will be finalized with the series).

Toribox did an incredible job, from the double stitching to the accurate weathering and even the smallest details such as the coin pocket. Only minimal adjustments are to be made within the series.

I customized the figure body specifically for Elliott, to be sure he has the accurate 1/6 height and proportions. The hands are preliminary, the shoes are final.


I am adding my miniature zipper sliders to the hoodies, with the exact design we saw in the movie (original zipper and movie screenshot on the upper right picture), as well as miniature real metal rivets I made for the jeans.


Custom 1/6 Elliott hands with movie accurate gestures are still in the making.


More to be shown shortly.

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The level of detail is impressive

Beautiful work
Thank you! Only possible thanks to the incredible patience of you and the other supporters.

Beautiful work ! But damn,almost 3 years and a half and still a wip 😵
Thank you! Yeah, did not expect that time span either but countless little upgrades summed up. I'm glad progress is speeding up again.
Some additional info



This is just to show the accurate proportions compared to the look in the movie. In the beginning a lot of time went into determining Elliott's actual height in the movie and I was glad that in the end it could even be confirmed thanks to a reliable source.

Back in 2019 I made tests using 1/6 Harry Potter bodies
I will use a 1/6 Harry Potter body with some tweaks for the first tests but I consider a 3d printed own body creation for this.
but they were all way to tall for Elliott so that idea got discarded quickly. In the end it was a mix of a a lucky coincidence plus a lot of modification work to reach the imo perfect body proportions and full articulation incl. the head in all directions.

The original hoodie has a typical 80th cut and this is very well implemented in the miniature but I will ask Toribox to still make minimal adjustments to a few details, to make it even more accurate. Btw, I had determined the exact type and brand of the hoodie. Combined with a ton of screenshots and production pictures it helped a lot to figure out certain details, such as the overall cut and the zipper.

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The custom 1/6 Elliott figure with neutral 'Goodbye Scene' expression


The custom 1/6 Elliott figure with surprised 'Flight Scene' expression

Outfit .. Toribox (close to final)
Head sculpting .. JMB Workshop
Head painting .. 357 partment
Shoes & accessories .. Fan Customs
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Please provide a complete and thorough update on concrete progress / completion of this project. Understandably many buyers are highly concerned. This is a much larger scale project compared to the others which have been recently discussed.
Please provide a complete and thorough update on concrete progress / completion of this project. Understandably many buyers are highly concerned. This is a much larger scale project compared to the others which have been recently discussed.
This is the project I undoubtedly put most of my free time in and it is progressing with completion scheduled for Q1 2023.

There are big delays also in this project but at the same time a lot of parts and functions were added. I am in direct contact with each of the collectors involved, most of them are not using this forum though. If many collectors are highly concerned in this project I am aware of it.

I can still continue sharing more updates here as well if desired.

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And what is the status with Yunsil? The status says payment was due Oct 27, was that sent?

View attachment 451825

All good, still discussing outifit run details and will receive the final invoice soon. Not sure how frequently the above status list is updated but I am in direct contact with Toribox and will of course make a post once it is paid, just like I did in previous outfit projects.
All good, still discussing outifit run details and will receive the final invoice soon. Not sure how frequently the above status list is updated but I am in direct contact with Toribox and will of course make a post once it is paid, just like I did in previous outfit projects.

Invoice received, full run balance paid to Toribox. Will have a schedule to share soon.


Can't wait to add my miniature brass rivets to the run.
Invoice received, full run balance paid to Toribox. Will have a schedule to share soon.


Can't wait to add my miniature brass rivets to the run.


02/19/22 Update: Toribox outfits are not yet completed but I got the confirmation that the zipper fabric upgrade has been implemented. I will update sahre a more concrete date with you directly after I get to know it.

I will continue to share more updates on all other parts shortly. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
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Good to know in regards to the outfits.

@Fan What is the status and timeline of all of the other components

To be fully transparent: Over the past months this project's status barely changed. I am in direct contact with most on the list outside this forum but I will of course also summarize it here.

This project started with a simple idea: To build a breathtaking miniature that does justice to the movie in all details.

Whoever clicks through the previous progress updates on all pages of this thread will hopefully see this shine through already but I am aware that the long delay is a pain for some.


What happened?

Went all in for this project, both in terms of time and funds spent but several months ago life came in between and I could not focus enough to continue on the same level. In addition I had a setback in casting the hollow figure bodies (not the ones above) seamlessly, which took a lot of resources and I invested another crazy amount of time in the BMX chains to make them accurate.



I am taking countermeasures

- Involving additional artists for further tasks (in the making)
- Not asking for any further installments since a while now
- Refunding some WIP projects to get time and focus again (partially completed)
- Refunding a few collectors in this project who joined early to reduce frustration, edition size and work load (completed)

There is still a ton of work to be done but I am underlining that I will not hide. I may remain very slow for a while but I don't want to make money with this. Otherwise I could have been long gone before any refunds.

I know that the additional freebies I am creating along the way will not fully make up for the delay I caused but I hope the end result will do that.

I'd rather refund everyone instead of delivering something below my standards.

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To be fully transparent: Over the past months this project's status barely changed. I am in direct contact with most on the list outside this forum but I will of course also summarize it here.

This project started with a simple idea: To build a breathtaking miniature that does justice to the movie in all details.

Whoever clicks through the previous progress updates on all pages of this thread will hopefully see this shine through already but I am aware that the long delay is a pain for some.


What happened?

Went all in for this project, both in terms of time and funds spent but several months ago life came in between and I could not focus enough to continue on the same level. In addition I had a setback in casting the hollow figure bodies (not the ones above) seamlessly, which took a lot of resources and I invested another crazy amount of time in the BMX chains to make them accurate.



I am taking countermeasures

- Involving additional artists for further tasks (in the making)
- Not asking for any further installments since a while now
- Refunding some WIP projects to get time and focus again (partially completed)
- Refunding a few collectors in this project who joined early to reduce frustration, edition size and work load (completed)

There is still a ton of work to be done but I am underlining that I will not hide. I may remain very slow for a while but I don't want to make money with this. Otherwise I could have been long gone before any refunds.

I know that the additional freebies I am creating along the way will not fully make up for the delay I caused but I hope the end result will do that.

I'd rather refund everyone instead of delivering something below my standards.

I'm not on the project anymore, but for those who still are, that answered nothing in terms of a release. I know you want detail, but at what point do you say you're satisfied? More detail can often mean more problems. Bike chain links, while cool are just completely unnecessary for what will primarily be a static piece.
This is a joke . 1 year Is enough for Every figure you want to build if you organize well. But 2,3,4,5...years ?! Come on ! We talk about Leonardo da Vinci stuff ? Painting Cappella Sistina ? Sometimes the organizers thinks collectors are stupid. We put a lot of Money upfront and Just believe that ONE day you Will have in your hands..
Im not in the run but in these days this kind of approce became normal and slowly killing the passion.

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