YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

A Verycool if I remember correctly. Pretty much a spitting image of the HT, but I can modify it with a clear conscience knowing it was only $25.

If you can find the brand of that body I'd be interested in knowing as well.
My Leia is still complete, but I have another figure that I'm thinking of changing out the body, for a body similar to that of Leia's. Wondering, is it the same height as the Leia HT body (10-10.5 inches)? That's a crucial part for me at least.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Alright guys, sorry to update without a real update, but here was the response from Jong to a message i sent Toribox last night

"Leia project

I'm sorry, all the sample works are being delayed.

Some projects are taking longer than expected.

Yunsil is currently processing orders scheduled for January.

She is trying very hard to finish sample works for orders others placed earlier.

Please give her some more time.

She will be in touch with you within a month."

Don't be sorry. Knowing what their current expectations are is good information. I'd rather see the occasional "no update" than no communication at all.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Disappointing news but thank you for the update, Chili.

I keep seeing Yunsil projects all over this section and was wondering what was happening here.

I think the HT Leia body is about perfect height so hopefully you guys getting a new body aren't changing the height requirements that would be used for this dress.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

This is very disappointing.

There were comments/concerns with Yunsils backlog, even before we put down the deposits, and we were assured there would not be an issue.

You can't tell me, with all her experience, she had no idea she was not going to make the committed date, before taking our deposits.

I would not have cared if we were told June, or even December (2017), but don't tell us "first job of the year" and "prototype in February" then get to April with no prototype in sight.

Sorry to say it, but this is very unprofessional, and incredibly poor form.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Oh man ! With gunner and potentially a Death Star officer on way , HT Vader and leia, Yunsil dress, and mods and diorama from Jazz - this is a real possibility this scene. Now I'm really excited!

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

I'm still personally calling this a 2018 delivery.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

What's the chances of the knock off of Yunsil dress hitting market before original? Will be an interesting chapter in cape wars saga

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

There's literally no reason anyone has to wait for Yunsil's dress to release something else. Copying the HT original in a different fabric would be a place to start for the aspiring knock-off artist.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Can I still get in on this?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Yeah, 7 months and no sniff as to what we are even buying.......

Contemplating bailing.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

It's all part of the process. A particular figure has been 2, 3+ years in the making, i'm not saying this will take that long but it's an example that the wait is real and long and if you join you should know what you are getting into. Rest assured the wait is worth it. Furthermore, yunsil is going through some serious delays.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Guys what's the difference if you wait or not? You either want it and have a crappy hot toys dress until you don't. Or you just always have a crappy hot toys dress.

You know who's behind it... arguably be best and most reliable tailor in the hobby which is also why it takes her so long. So there's no risk.

Then it will finally come out and you will regret it. It's Princess Leia... chances are it's not exactly shomething your gonna be less jazzed about in four months,