YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

I don't see what the issue is here. Few things to consider: If you have ANY work from Yunsil, then you know what you could expect. It's top shelf stuff. With that said, that kind of quality creates demand. Her turnaround times were never quick to begin with. Take a quick minute to browse through the boards and see how many projects have Yunsil as the tailor. I can think of 10 right off the top of my head right now. There are a ton. She's backed up. She will get to it, and it'll be worth it. In the meantime, there's not something else to take your mind off of it? Call me crazy, but I love that I could just forget about something like a clothing run, go about my business, and be pleasantly surprised months later with either a) a badass proto, or b) our outfits are on the way. It gives the excitement some longevity.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

I don't see what the issue is here. Few things to consider: If you have ANY work from Yunsil, then you know what you could expect. It's top shelf stuff. With that said, that kind of quality creates demand. Her turnaround times were never quick to begin with. Take a quick minute to browse through the boards and see how many projects have Yunsil as the tailor. I can think of 10 right off the top of my head right now. There are a ton. She's backed up. She will get to it, and it'll be worth it. In the meantime, there's not something else to take your mind off of it? Call me crazy, but I love that I could just forget about something like a clothing run, go about my business, and be pleasantly surprised months later with either a) a badass proto, or b) our outfits are on the way. It gives the excitement some longevity.

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Very well said!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Can I still get in on a spot?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

I obviously wish I had more to update you guys with than whats already been said, however, it does seem like there is a lot more complaining going on in this thread than some others. Im assuming its because there are more first time buyers on this project. I just want to say again, Yunsil will deliver like no one else can. We can all have a say when it comes to feedback on the prototype, and at the end of the day we are gonna end up with something second to none. Just keep the faith!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

it does seem like there is a lot more complaining going on in this thread than some others. Im assuming its because there are more first time buyers on this project.

Not just that. You have to remember that there are 91 people who have sent deposits. 91! So, the percentage of moaners will seem more prominent. Given that many people, I'm surprised we've not seen more complaining. I guess it's fairly low because the cost is 25% of other Yunsil runs. Moan-to-dollar ratio.

Also, same as every thread here, you get one complainer kicking off responses that makes it seem worse.

Let's hope it stays this quiet until the prototype.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Progress photo

Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

It all evens out in the wash. Happens in EVERY thread. You get complainers, then the eventual complainers complaining about the complainers...wash and repeat :eek:hbfrank:

If I remember correctly, there were guys early on saying there's no f\_/cking way Yunsil was going to meet the stated timeline. Guys came in and said, "You don't know that!" The response, "Look at all the projects she's got that are on her plate...some of which are late already." Then the wait and see...

Well here we are! We're in the wash and repeat!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

It's all part of the process. A particular figure has been 2, 3+ years in the making, i'm not saying this will take that long but it's an example that the wait is real and long and if you join you should know what you are getting into. Rest assured the wait is worth it. Furthermore, yunsil is going through some serious delays.

I agree with this. 100%. Great post Chubs! That Amsterdam's trucking along to the finish line!

Everyone needs to think about it, "Is your $50 deposit really that important at this moment?" If it is, I really don't think the custom/art figure hobby, or even collecting Hot Toys, is the hobby for you. $50 would be the least of your worries for that matter. This is probably the cheapest thing I've seen from Yunsil too, ever. She's the best in the game thus far, no doubt about it.
Welcome to the waiting room of the custom world.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Guys what's the difference if you wait or not? You either want it and have a crappy hot toys dress until you don't. Or you just always have a crappy hot toys dress.

You know who's behind it... arguably be best and most reliable tailor in the hobby which is also why it takes her so long. So there's no risk.

Then it will finally come out and you will regret it. It's Princess Leia... chances are it's not exactly shomething your gonna be less jazzed about in four months,


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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Buncha freakin whiners. Cancel and back out then we can all hear you complain when they start shipping that you should have waited it out.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Buncha freakin whiners. Cancel and back out then we can all hear you complain when they start shipping that you should have waited it out.

A bunch? How do you figure that? Read back through the posts. Only one person considered bailing, which made us all respond to the contrary.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

I only see a bunch of whiners talking about some imaginary group of whiners. Get real.

But let's be REAL. AGAIN. This is run for the end of the year and the first post should be updated to reflect that. It should also be opened back up to additional customers as there's no sense in having a closed run that's nowhere close to being started.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Great post PixelPiper!

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

Just so you guys know, expanding the run will delay it further. Bigger the run= longer the production time, common sense. So you can feel free to advocate for a faster turnaround, or a larger run, but not both.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress CLOSED

I'm fine with longer production time if it means a few more people can get on the run. The overall impact of producing an extra 10-20 dresses when 90-something are already being made is what I consider insignificant. Besides, none of the time since this project started until now is production time - and we've got a long time yet before production commences according to info/details of other project threads.

Not sure if shipping will be direct form Yunsil or going to you/someone else first, but with a large run it would be a good move to ship out to customers in batches anyway. Like the first 50, then the next, etc.