YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

It takes 1 trip to the post office to ship any number of packages. Why not just take payment now? It's inconvenient to send multiple payments and 100x moreso to receive them from everyone else. Sorry, this is just stupid.

Im really not sure why you feel the need to ****** with me at every single turn here, but its something to do with the fact that

A) Im not comfortable with the taking even more money up front before the final run is actually in my hands
B) I do not yet know what size the envelopes will be
C) I haven't received everyones address yet to know what the cost will be to multiple locations
D) Its been standard protocol for basically every other one of these runs ever done on the boards here
E) The size of the COA has yet to be designed, impacting the size of the final shipped parcels
F) Its a good way to regulate my order of what gets shipped first, and in more manageable groups according to order of shipping payments
G) its just the way Im deciding to do it and Im tired of ONE dude constantly complaining.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

ah good call, ill take a photo of the slit that is in the back of the dress. Like i said before, i will be requesting for it to be sewn up in the final run
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Hey Chili,

Just on postage (and forgive my ignorance if this question seems weird as I have only ordered the JNIX customs before):

Do you send them out in the order in which you received final payments, or are they literally all sent in one hit?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

G) its just the way Im deciding to do it and Im tired of ONE dude constantly complaining.


Let's just get this run over and finally be done with it. I was personally "done" with this run almost a year ago but have kept mostly quiet - the meltdown was obvious. Maybe you're confusing me with the 50+ other people who have commented here and in PM. If only you knew.

For ONCE. Just once. Please take some damned responsibility for this run.
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Dude... you know full damn well he can choose to just send you your money back and not give it to you right? I’ve said that before if I were in those shoes I’d have gladly done that myself, because well... I’d get a kick out of it quite frankly.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Dude... you know full damn well he can choose to just send you your money back and not give it to you right? I’ve said that before if I were in those shoes I’d have gladly done that myself, because well... I’d get a kick out of it quite frankly.

Is it really that simple?

Is it legally that simple?

Is it ethically that simple?

And by doing that, wouldn't it just prove Pixel's point?

After all that has been clearly documented in this thread for the last 18 months, that would be really poor form.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Just ignore Raymond. He's jumped all over anyone who's done anything short of praise Yunsil's business practices from the get go.

Yunsil could probably vomit directly into his mouth and he'd thank her for gracing him with the gift of her creative expression.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

I'm not defending Yiunsil. I've offered as much criticism to yunsil' practice as the next guy. But I defend the organizer of the run. I defended Hector on the Joker run and I defend chilipep here.

He's doing the heavy lifting and I don't envy him but before you go further on this too you should be aware that we are a united front, and most guys on this board are aware of our relation.

So I'm not about to see a guy who time and time again has a real issue with learning how to be civil when he speaks directly to people (or indirectly given this is a forum) take out his aggression on the organizer when he has no idea what a pain in the ass and how much work it is. Chilipep is making no money off of this but he's investing a ton of time into this.

He's not in the position to say this so I will...

You all have no idea what a thankless job this is. You get nothing out if it, you invest a ton of time into it. collecting payments making lists, changing lists, tasking photos, communicating to the vendor, communicating back to the vendor being the bearer of bad news. or good news or no news (and when its no news the blame always falls on you by default), getting the stuff, packing the stuff, shipping the stuff the list goes on and on.

You all want the dress just as bad, he's just the guy that stepped up to make it happen. Yeah yeah, he signed up for the gig. But it's also the reason why he's not gonna do it anymore.

So we are all frustrated and pissed at how long this took, but make sure the aggression is pointed in the right place.

Also... there is something to be said about biting the hand that feeds you know.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Is it really that simple?

Is it legally that simple?

Is it ethically that simple?

And by doing that, wouldn't it just prove Pixel's point?

After all that has been clearly documented in this thread for the last 18 months, that would be really poor form.

He's actually the guy organizing the run... not me. So what I say I'd do or not do is besides the point. At this point frustration on his end is only pointed at one guy anyways which he clearly stated. I'm naturally going to come to his defense for obvious reasons but frankly his frustration is warranted and its not the first time this happens with the person in question.

But I'm not going to feed into this further I've said my peace and most everyone already knows that anyways. But I'm not going to feed into this further I've said my peace and most everyone already knows that anyways, it serves a reminder that attacking the organizer of the run is really in poor form as well especially when you might not be aware how much work is put in to these kinds of things.

This stupid project is finally at the finish line and we can all move on.
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

I'm not defending Yiunsil. I've offered as much criticism to yunsil' practice as the next guy. But I defend the organizer of the run. I defended Hector on the Joker run and I defend chilipep here.

He's doing the heavy lifting and I don't envy him but before you go further on this too you should be aware that we are a united front, and most guys on this board are aware of our relation.

So I'm not about to see a guy who time and time again has a real issue with learning how to be civil when he speaks directly to people (or indirectly given this is a forum) take out his aggression on the organizer when he has no idea what a pain in the ass and how much work it is. Chilipep is making no money off of this but he's investing a ton of time into this.

He's not in the position to say this so I will...

You all have no idea what a thankless job this is. You get nothing out if it, you invest a ton of time into it. collecting payments making lists, changing lists, tasking photos, communicating to the vendor, communicating back to the vendor being the bearer of bad news. or good news or no news (and when its no news the blame always falls on you by default), getting the stuff, packing the stuff, shipping the stuff the list goes on and on.

You all want the dress just as bad, he's just the guy that stepped up to make it happen. Yeah yeah, he signed up for the gig. But it's also the reason why he's not gonna do it anymore.

So we are all frustrated and pissed at how long this took, but make sure the aggression is pointed in the right place.

Also... there is something to be said about biting the hand that feeds you know.

Totally agree, Chili have do all the things line up to get your guys a bad ass dress but he earn nothing, and some one even don't want to spend several minutes to do one more paypal payment...:dunno

He can't control yunsil, if still don't understand this point, I suggest is better order from other tailor, or from Sideshow, enjoy the official product and service from big company.

I have to thanks Chili for making this happen, I think NO ONE can do it better than you in this case. Because complain is always easy.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Yep! Second both Raymond and Takeshi on this. Perspective: we ain't saving lives here. It's a dress for an action figure we're all fortunate enough to even afford. Waiting is the customs game. I get having to wait is frustrating, and if there were a ton of tailors out there of the same quality as Yunsil there's be competitive pressure for her shop to deliver against commitments - but there's not. I can think of maybe three tailors active worth their salt and only two actively take commissions.

Hats off to Chili for putting up with this toxic rodeo. He's not running a business. He's just a passionate collector like all of us and he's doing this out of goodwill to the community.

Chili, thank you for sticking with this despite all the negative garbage sent your way.

Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

It takes 1 trip to the post office to ship any number of packages. Why not just take payment now? It's inconvenient to send multiple payments and 100x moreso to receive them from everyone else. Sorry, this is just stupid.

c'mon man, why can't u cut the guy some slack? He is trying his best to finish this run...all the reasons he listed for why he won't collect shipping now is completely valid. All you do is constantly take a s*** on him whether he does something or not...
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Hey guys, I REALLY appreciate all the support here. It reminds me why I love this hobby, 99% of the people all working together and supporting each other and the artists to get some really great pieces made that would have otherwise been impossible to afford, or be made in the first place. Delivering on the promise of a great product here, as well as the encouraging messages Ive been getting both publicly and privately are keeping me going through the process!

Also appreciate everyone sending in payments quickly too, were almost halfway there in the first week.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

how much? it`s been so long I don't even remember how much I put down on the last time this went up you can PM` the info