Thanks for all the support. I’m getting them out slowly but surely. I get a few international ones out per run as not to make everyone murder me at the post office. I’ve done 2 runs across the border to make sure the American customers got a more reliable service. My gas money and my time is affected in the price. I’ve also cleared out every dollar store in my area for bubble mailers, had to travel for 3 weddings in 3 weekends, work, have a life, and keep this all straight.
My “responsibility” by taking this on is being fully fulfilled. Just because mandibles didn’t go out first doesn’t mean I’m losing any sleep at night here. In the middle of my summer I’m making my way through these as timely and efficiently as I can.
To anyone complaining, you will get it soon. If you feel like you can no longer wait, I’ll refund you right away and resell this to one of the 30 or so people asking me and maybe actually make a few dollars off this finally.