YUNSIL Superman 78- Payments Due June 17th

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Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

I remember highlighting all the potential improvements this fig would've benefitted from along with cKing back in the day and being heckled off the board lol.
That said, as sitemaster of I'm happy to assist with whatever is needed to make this The most accurate costume to date. Authenticity of the outfit is one thing but the tailoring is another as the HT Reeve body is a ***** to fit to with it's massive rubber chest and lats that prevent the arms resting by the sides. It's also too short as another member pointed out. This was the best I could get out of the current figures after some serious alterations...

Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

Looks good Martin, especially the cape!

But I wonder, up to where we should want accuracy. I mean, do we go for movie accuracy, or for prop accuracy, because, for instance, the yellow of the S was actually mustard...
Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

Thanks pal
You raise a great point - should the suit be produced in 'prop authentic' colours (including steel teal blue and mustard yellow as you rightly point out) then the majority of folk will say the colours are 'wrong'. I believe there is a happy medium that can be struck however. Just getting the shields right and a better cape make all the difference.
The HT suit isn't too bad for colour but must be the most fragile piece of kit I've ever handled. It can snag on fresh air. They were clever to make it 2-ply so the white elastic could hug the body - every replica suit I tried suffered for not having that and gathers/wrinkles terribly at the arms/chest area. The boots needed a complete resculpt as they were too short and lacked the correct pattern at the tops. The belt was also too narrow. All these things are the simplest of fixes...
Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

Thanks pal
You raise a great point - should the suit be produced in 'prop authentic' colours (including steel teal blue and mustard yellow as you rightly point out) then the majority of folk will say the colours are 'wrong'. I believe there is a happy medium that can be struck however. Just getting the shields right and a better cape make all the difference.
The HT suit isn't too bad for colour but must be the most fragile piece of kit I've ever handled. It can snag on fresh air. They were clever to make it 2-ply so the white elastic could hug the body - every replica suit I tried suffered for not having that and gathers/wrinkles terribly at the arms/chest area. The boots needed a complete resculpt as they were too short and lacked the correct pattern at the tops. The belt was also too narrow. All these things are the simplest of fixes...

Yes, I was wondering about the boots on your figure. Do you have pics of them and the recipe?:)
Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

Well without hijacking the thread - here is what I did to make the HT figure more screen-accurate. This was just my method and its hardly definitive but I think the result is a big improvement -

Firstly - I cut chunks out of the sides and replaced them with sponge so the arms could rest at the sides of the body (Reeve's best poses were relaxed and the stock figure couldn't accommodate this)




Then I started on the boots. They are a good sculpt but are hopelessly inaccurate as seen here (render by cKing)


They needed added height, a thicker cuff and even a seam down the back. After lots of experimentation (including repainting which absolutely does NOT work) I found a vinyl that matched the colour and cut out scaled-down copies of the full-sized boot tops and glued them on -




When I finally got this to work I decided to see the whole thing through which meant a new cape as the old one could not be salvaged. It is the absolute worst part of the stock figure and is wrong in almost every aspect. Luckily I was not the only one to think so and I was lucky enough to find a guy who made them EXACTLY the way the originals were in 1/6 scale, straps and all...



Anybody thinking the shields front or back bore any resemblance to the real thing is sadly mistaken. Having examined several genuine costumes I was able to take tracings of the real deals and scale them down also -


These were then printed onto fabric and ironed-on. (For best results on the chest shield I ironed the new one directly on top of the existing transfer as removing it leaves a dark patch that stretches over a larger area than cannot be covered)




(Despite the general consensus that the above were 'instructions' to HT back in the day, they were in fact guidelines for cKing and myself)

Finally I re-did the belt. HT actually did a nice job on this but its still about 20% too narrow and fastens at the front like it would in 'reality'. In fact, the Reeve belts were tied at the back so I hacked off the HT buckle and glued it onto the centre of the stock belt. I then used the hole for the fastener as a guide to punch one the opposite side so it could be bound with some twisting cable -




With the costume done I tinkered with the headsculpt to give it a better hairline and thinner 'S' curl and scraping away some paint to show scalp beneath the parting. Futzing was minimal save for making sure the bodysuit was pulled taut as possible and the belt pushed to the tops of the loops (giving the correct impression of short torso and longer legs)


So there you have it :) Feel free to ask if you have any questions...


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Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

So there you have it Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

could you post a pic of the full figure with the new boots from the front. your first pic is great but i really can't see the boots at that angle.

could you put us in touch with the person who made your cape?

would you consider selling the vinyl boot tops?

what product did you use for the iron on's?

thanks for posting your upgrade pics. i've looked all over and couldn't find cking's upgrades. and great work and pics. :)
Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

Wow amazing job on that and great tutorial too! The only thing I think it still needs is just a good repaint of the eyes. I was looking at mine again recently and those solid blue decals just don't hold up well in closeup at all anymore, and really need some added detail and depth.
Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

Is there another thread that can be used perhaps for all this discussion. Don't mean that in the wrong way but every bump gets me excited for news on this set.

Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

Borjs2000 feel free to repost wherever you like - I'll join the fb page ;)
Once again sorry to hijack the thread- I'm as excited as everybody else to see what comes up here...
Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

No apologies necessary! Amazing work on that. :clap

Guess I'm just over eager for the yunsil set is all. :lol
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Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

I by default don't pass up anything Yunsil for a character I love because I know it will be an improvement by default. But until I saw Martin El's mods I thought this project was a bit redundant. I've now changed my mind.
Re: YUNSIL- Superman 78 suit

For Captain Sack - Quick pics taken today

Thanks for the pics.

Your boots are a great improvement but they confirm my thoughts that the boots are still too short.

I think they were initially sculpted for a regular true type body as they are the perfect height on that shorter body.

But your work has greatly improved the figure. Congrulations.