Clothing set Yunsil [TORIBOX] Raiders Indiana Jones Re-run

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I emailed and got a failed to deliver.
It looks like he’s bailed without bothering to send mine. Where’s my set Marfmaster!!! I paid like everyone else and would like my clothing set like everyone else. This is really ****** up.
Dude, you need to chill. That is my email address, not sure why you’re getting a bounce back. Anyhow, your negligence in regards to checking in on your custom purchases means you’re out of luck. Sorry that happened to you, but there’s nothing I can do at this point. Flame me all you want, everyone here knows better.
Then I’ll accept a full refund then. Where’s my money including shipping!!! The tracking number by my name says it was never used. Label created but never sent. How is it my bad on that one!?! By the looks of the tracking number it wasn’t ever sent out. And I’m to blame because I waited for so long to say something!?! You burned me Dane. I’d like my refund in full please.

Checking my tracking # says the same thing poncho. Its extremely suspicious and convenient that you wait this long to come in and ask for a Full refund. Dane is one of the best. If this is a legit complaint Why on earth would you have waited this long?

Read up:
Convenient that its your word against Danes now.

I suggest you contact your local Post Office and take your frustration out on their ineptness. That's to say if it was actually indeed not delivered.
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Convenient? Huh!?! WTF are you talking about!?! I don’t WANT a refund. I want the clothing set I paid for. My word against his?

If the tracking number would have said, package received and then not delivered is one thing. Then something can be done by way of researching the number. However, when checking a tracking number that says label created but never scanned makes it the seller’s responsibility not the buyers. Packages are scanned incoming and outgoing both.
I fail to understand how this is on me when all I’m doing is playing the waiting game with patience. I’ve spouted off before “when is this happening” and been scolded for not having patience. Now I say something after the fact and I’m being scolded for not speaking up sooner.
I understand that doing these clothing runs is a huge responsibility and undertaking by the organizer but it’s also that person’s responsibility to take care of everything. If the package was lost in transit that’s one thing but this states it was never shipped out.
I live in a small rural community and know, Jeff, the postmaster personally. If it was here I’d get it.
If Dane is one of the best then he’ll step up and do something about it and not just tell me sorry this happened to you when it states my package never shipped out.
That’s not my word against his. Those are cold, hard facts that fall in his lap not mine. I’m sorry this happened to him and it sucks for both parties for sure but this is not my responsibility as I didn’t accept any money from anyone. I paid it out just like everyone else but my tracking number states something very different that puts it on the seller not the buyer. Is that clear enough for you to understand poncho!?!

You didnt bother reading up on the link I posted. Did you? You had 120 days to check the tracking number. Once that window closes now its convenient that you speak up since there is no evidence showing he shipped out. But the fact is every other domestic tracking says the exact same thing as yours. But everyone else received their packages. Sorry, but you waited too long to come asking. Now you are upset. That is not Danes fault. Guess you better go talk to Jeff, poncho.
You want to speak about facts Poncho?

1. You're rude
2. It's the internet , people can and will be rude back
3. People were paying for shipping in Dec 2021
4. You waited til May 2022 to pay Dane- that's rude
5. You've had 10 months to ask "where's my package?"
6. Cellar Toys has already told you his and all the other trackings now say the same thing as yours after nearly a year
7. He provided you a link telling you you had 120 days, you're well over that
8. You said that you live rural and know Jeff, good for you Poncho, that doesn't change any of 1-7
9. Dane is well known and much respected in the one sixth community, if he says he posted it- he posted it and even in the extremely unlikely event that he did forget it is still on you to follow up in under 10 months !!!
10. You're the one coming off as a scam, not Dane.

If you've been too busy off marrying your cousin or making moonshine then that's on you. Too much time has passed. Next time follow up with the run organiser a few weeks after, not nearly a year.

it's behaviour like yours that makes people not want to be a run organiser then everyone misses out.
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Mr.NoCredit- no credit here, credit.

After 10 months, this is on you,

Capeesh Poncho?

Actual photo of Jeff:

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Dang man, always sucks to lose out. Then to make matters worse, everybody jumps on you for being lazy.

But the folks aren't wrong here. It's pretty strange that you waited 9 months to ask about it. Hell, I'd have asked after a week if my package didn't pick up a scan.

The best thing you can do is open an inquiry with USPS, if you ask around for the right person, you can find someone who will look into what carrier picked it up. It's likely that it was picked up and just never scanned, so it never entered into the system. From my limited experience with these situations, it if isn't scanned to enter the system, it won't pick up any additional scans. I'd start with your friendly local carrier, and go from there.

Oh, and yeah, reading the thread, everyone else's tracking number says "Label created, not in system" so that doesn't really mean anything at this point. It certainly doesn't mean that yours never shipped out. So, it's probably stuck in a sorting machine somewhere.
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It’s amazing to see all the seething hatred in all of you here. .
I am disappointed for sure and a little bummed out. In time I’ll get over losing out on some money but all of you who want to bag on me won’t ever get over the level of hatred you have for yourself. You all try to make someone else feel bad to make yourselves feel good. I’m not hurt by what you say, you’re only hurting yourselves and showing what kind of people you are.
I’ve gotta say that bullet points guy is the best. You should probably get a job as a marriage counselor. With your astute ability to point out my faults with bullet points, man, you are something else. You’d be great at pointing out the reason people are so messed up and why they’d be better off killing themselves than living another day. Thank you all so much for this great lesson in humanity. It’s been really enlightening to see the true colors of so many. I’ve put quite a few of you on ignore and removed this thread from my list. Post all the hatred you want. I don’t know any of you and your words are meaningless. I feel sorry for you for being born with horrible parents, having a terrible upbringing and living such shallow lives. Good luck people.
It’s amazing to see all the seething hatred in all of you here. .
I am disappointed for sure and a little bummed out. In time I’ll get over losing out on some money but all of you who want to bag on me won’t ever get over the level of hatred you have for yourself. You all try to make someone else feel bad to make yourselves feel good. I’m not hurt by what you say, you’re only hurting yourselves and showing what kind of people you are.
I’ve gotta say that bullet points guy is the best. You should probably get a job as a marriage counselor. With your astute ability to point out my faults with bullet points, man, you are something else. You’d be great at pointing out the reason people are so messed up and why they’d be better off killing themselves than living another day. Thank you all so much for this great lesson in humanity. It’s been really enlightening to see the true colors of so many. I’ve put quite a few of you on ignore and removed this thread from my list. Post all the hatred you want. I don’t know any of you and your words are meaningless. I feel sorry for you for being born with horrible parents, having a terrible upbringing and living such shallow lives. Good luck people.
There is no "hatred". You came into this thread with an attitude. You got attitude back. Even using profanity at Dane. And taking absolutely zero accountability for this whatsoever. Dude, you say you saw the tracking number and even checked it when you first got it...then WAITED this long to come back to check in. That is 100% on you. And now you want to play the martyr. And play this game like we are all evil people for calling on your ********. Sorry bud. I have zero sympathy for you.

Now had it been, say a month or two. And you checked the tracking and it said not shipped etc, I'd be more inclined to be in your camp and ask Dane whats up. But since you failed to even hold onto that shread of responsibility to keep checking on your I dunno what else to tell you. You are a grown adult are you not? Hold some accountability. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I’ve been sick with the flu this week, but I just wanted to pop in here to thank those friends that have stood up for me against NoCredit’s accusations, assumptions and demands. Normally I am a very empathetic person, but I have none for NoCredit in this case, due to the ridiculousness of the timing, his hostile nature, and apparent lack of personal responsibility. That’s all I’ll say about that, moving on with my life. 😊 ✌🏻
It’s amazing to see all the seething hatred in all of you here. .
I am disappointed for sure and a little bummed out. In time I’ll get over losing out on some money but all of you who want to bag on me won’t ever get over the level of hatred you have for yourself. You all try to make someone else feel bad to make yourselves feel good. I’m not hurt by what you say, you’re only hurting yourselves and showing what kind of people you are.
I’ve gotta say that bullet points guy is the best. You should probably get a job as a marriage counselor. With your astute ability to point out my faults with bullet points, man, you are something else. You’d be great at pointing out the reason people are so messed up and why they’d be better off killing themselves than living another day. Thank you all so much for this great lesson in humanity. It’s been really enlightening to see the true colors of so many. I’ve put quite a few of you on ignore and removed this thread from my list. Post all the hatred you want. I don’t know any of you and your words are meaningless. I feel sorry for you for being born with horrible parents, having a terrible upbringing and living such shallow lives. Good luck people.
I said a half baked joke about being Jeff the mailman, and you send me a gorey picture of a deadman and threatened to do the same to me. Now you act all high and mighty saying we are the problem. That is hilarious and insane. Get help dude. 😂 I hope they ban you.

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