Getting close to finishing. Here's a shot of the painted/weathered set.
Thanks again for doing this set.
I'm pretty sure DoggieDoc has the base and table mold still available if anyone wants them.
Originally I had that made for me, but it should be available for everyone.
One glaring error: I found out I did some thing wrong on the script.
Salvonic language during the historical time period of Vlad
did not include the word "The". I had pieced it together just by using letters and formatted it
in script that was Cyrillic. It says "The Blood is Life" as a tribute to the line in the film.
But I've been told by someone who studies historic languages, that technically you
can not make that phrase in Salvonic and my translation is English based and not really Salvonic.
Also that means they were saying it wrong in the movie. It would only be
"Blood is Life". But Hollywood is in the entertainment business and who's going to correct
Gary Oldman on that awesome performance???
So if you don't mind my mess up, contact DoggieDoc for the extra pieces.
Or maybe Doggie can put the historically accurate translation on the reverse side
of the table top. The guy said it would either be Salvonic or Latin to be accurate
and the script Cyrillic. So one of the 2 below would be more accurate "The Blood is Life" script.
Or if you're wanting film accurate. That's a lot harder. He said the
cloth hanging over the table top had Latin writing on it and one of the letters
on the table script was a Latin translation. So that's one of the reason I
went with the Blood is Life " "
I still have plenty of Chalices remaining if you need them, PM me.