I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that has supported this project so far, and Sean sends his thanks as well. The response and commitment by everyone has been amazing and much appreciated!
For those still looking to get in, here's the payment details - see OP for more detailed instructions please.
Pricing (unpainted) -
Headsculpt (bald) - $70
Headsculpt (bald sculpt w/2 interchangeable hairpieces, 1 w/hat, 1 without) - $80
Hand set (L+R relaxed, L+R trigger, R cigarette holding, R glass holding) - $35
Boots - $40
Send payments to -
Add 4% PayPal fees or send as gift, and please include your SSF name and your address in the notes.
Shipping and paintwork (if applicable) will be settled at a later date.
Please post in here what you sent payment for and I'll mark it on the list in the OP. This payment goes to Sean so I don't see them, I have to rely on you guys letting me know what you paid for or getting updates from Sean when possible.
If you haven't signed up yet and want to, just post what lists you'd like to be added to and I'll add you in the OP.
7/05/2017 General updates!
I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July here in the States.
Sample sculpts have been distributed to Robbie for the glasses, the company making the wig, and Dawn the hat maker from etsy. :yess:
I'm still accepting $100 deposits for the outfit by Yunsil, see the OP for details. We should be seeing a sample from her very soon, she is currently gathering all of the materials. Be sure to secure your spot soon so you don't miss out. We're only a few away from getting the $250 price.
I'm working on some nice bonus accessories for everyone in on the whole set as well, more on those items later.
As always, a big thank you to everyone, your commitment and passion for this project makes it easy for all of us to continue working on it, it's appreciated more than you know.