[CLOTHING BALANCE DUE NOW!!!] Mathilda by sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil

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Re: [ACCEPTING PAYMENTS/DEPOSITS] Mathilda (Léon) * sdabbs/robbiethepainter/yunsil

Yeah, that's cool. Patience is definitely a must in this hobby.

I agree, above all else, I want this figure to be the very best it can be, even if it takes a little time. I feel everything has progressed pretty well up until now, only about five months in. :)
[ACCEPTING PAYMENTS/DEPOSITS] Mathilda (Léon) • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsi

I paid for everything:)

Headsculpt (bald) - $70
Headsculpt (bald sculpt w/2 interchangeable hairpieces, 1 w/hat, 1 without) - $80
Hand set (L+R relaxed, L+R trigger, R cigarette holding, R glass holding) - $35
Boots - $40

Re: [ACCEPTING PAYMENTS/DEPOSITS] Mathilda (Léon) • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsi

I paid for everything:)

Headsculpt (bald) - $70
Headsculpt (bald sculpt w/2 interchangeable hairpieces, 1 w/hat, 1 without) - $80
Hand set (L+R relaxed, L+R trigger, R cigarette holding, R glass holding) - $35
Boots - $40


That's great, thank you so much, I'll mark it down as paid on the list. :)
Re: [ACCEPTING PAYMENTS/DEPOSITS] Mathilda (Léon) • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsi

Sign me in for Leon glasses please!)
Re: [ACCEPTING PAYMENTS/DEPOSITS] Mathilda (Léon) sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil

Here is the first crochet hat sample -

Spoiler Spoiler:

I think this is one hell of a first attempt and very promising. She said she's using the thinnest thread she can find that color in and also using the smallest crochet hook.

When I compared to film screen shots, I noticed the bottom area was too tall/wide, making the overall size too large, so I asked her to remove one row for the next sample.

Spoiler Spoiler:

The fit will be tighter once the wig is on the sculpt, she is aware of it and made this to allow for that. I'm hoping the wig process/production goes somewhat quickly, but from what I've heard from Sean, it can take awhile. A sculpt has been shipped to their factory in China where they will create a sample wig for us to see before they produce it.

As always, all thoughts and opinions are welcome! :)

Re: MATHILDA sculpt (Sean Dabbs), outfit, and possibe LEON sculpt as well

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that has supported this project so far, and Sean sends his thanks as well. The response and commitment by everyone has been amazing and much appreciated!

For those still looking to get in, here's the payment details - see OP for more detailed instructions please.

Pricing (unpainted) -

Headsculpt (bald) - $70
Headsculpt (bald sculpt w/2 interchangeable hairpieces, 1 w/hat, 1 without) - $80
Hand set (L+R relaxed, L+R trigger, R cigarette holding, R glass holding) - $35
Boots - $40

Send payments to - frankjaegeruk@gmail.com

Add 4% PayPal fees or send as gift, and please include your SSF name and your address in the notes.
Shipping and paintwork (if applicable) will be settled at a later date.

Please post in here what you sent payment for and I'll mark it on the list in the OP. This payment goes to Sean so I don't see them, I have to rely on you guys letting me know what you paid for or getting updates from Sean when possible.

If you haven't signed up yet and want to, just post what lists you'd like to be added to and I'll add you in the OP. :)

7/05/2017 General updates! :)

I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July here in the States. :)

Sample sculpts have been distributed to Robbie for the glasses, the company making the wig, and Dawn the hat maker from etsy. :yess:

I'm still accepting $100 deposits for the outfit by Yunsil, see the OP for details. We should be seeing a sample from her very soon, she is currently gathering all of the materials. Be sure to secure your spot soon so you don't miss out. We're only a few away from getting the $250 price.

I'm working on some nice bonus accessories for everyone in on the whole set as well, more on those items later.

As always, a big thank you to everyone, your commitment and passion for this project makes it easy for all of us to continue working on it, it's appreciated more than you know.

I just sent a $100 deposit today (to Matt) towards the headsculpt, hands, boots.

Had some follow-up questions regarding the figure - Direct Message sent to you a few days ago.
Re: MATHILDA sculpt (Sean Dabbs), outfit, and possibe LEON sculpt as well

I just sent a $100 deposit today (to Matt) towards the headsculpt, hands, boots.

Had some follow-up questions regarding the figure - Direct Message sent to you a few days ago.

Hey there, I apologize about not getting back to you, I did type up a lengthy response to all of your questions and thought that I sent it, but apparently it didn't go through or something. In the future, please PM me here if possible, Tapatalk has proven to be unreliable for me so far. I will reply to your message again and address your questions/concerns. :)

As far as the deposit, a deposit is being accepted for the clothing, not the head, hands, and boots, those are to be paid in full if possible. It's not a big deal though, I'll contact Sean and let him know that you sent a partial payment.

Re: [HAT UPDATE] Mathilda Lando (Léon) • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil

That hat looks sensational. Can they fix enterbay Leon's atrocity of a hat while they are at it? I'd definitely pay extra for that.
Re: [HAT UPDATE] Mathilda Lando (Léon) • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil

That hat looks sensational. Can they fix enterbay Leon's atrocity of a hat while they are at it? I'd definitely pay extra for that.

Same here man, I hate that hat so much, but I feel he needs it on anyway! I will definitely be starting a Leon interest thread for a full figure after this is wrapping up, and getting a perfect hat made will be a top priority for sure. :)

And yes, I think the Mathilda hat looks great so far, and will only get better. It blows my mind that that thread can be crocheted so intricately.
Re: [ACCEPTING PAYMENTS/DEPOSITS] Mathilda (Léon) sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil

Here is the first crochet hat sample -

I think this is one hell of a first attempt and very promising. She said she's using the thinnest thread she can find that color in and also using the smallest crochet hook.

When I compared to film screen shots, I noticed the bottom area was too tall/wide, making the overall size too large, so I asked her to remove one row for the next sample.

The fit will be tighter once the wig is on the sculpt, she is aware of it and made this to allow for that. I'm hoping the wig process/production goes somewhat quickly, but from what I've heard from Sean, it can take awhile. A sculpt has been shipped to their factory in China where they will create a sample wig for us to see before they produce it.

As always, all thoughts and opinions are welcome! :)


WOAH!!!! That is incredible already!
Re: [HAT UPDATE] Mathilda Lando (Léon) • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil

im in the painted list please ?
Re: [ACCEPTING PAYMENTS and DEPOSITS] Mathilda H+C+A • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yu

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that has supported this project so far, and Sean sends his thanks as well. The response and commitment by everyone has been amazing and much appreciated!

For those still looking to get in, here's the payment details - see OP for more detailed instructions please.

Pricing (unpainted) -

Headsculpt (bald) - $70

Headsculpt (bald sculpt w/2 interchangeable hairpieces, 1 w/hat, 1 without) - $80

Hand set (L+R relaxed, L+R trigger, R cigarette holding, R glass holding) - $35

Boots - $40

Send payments to - frankjaegeruk@gmail.com

Add 4% PayPal fees or send as gift, and please include your SSF name and your address in the notes.
Shipping and paintwork (if applicable) will be settled at a later date.

Please post in here what you sent payment for and I'll mark it on the list in the OP.

If you haven't signed up yet and want to, just post what lists you'd like to be added to and I'll add you in the OP.

7/09/2017 General updates!

Sample sculpts have been distributed to Robbie for the glasses, the company making the wig, and Dawn the hat maker from etsy.

Dawn has finished her first attempt at the hat and it's a great start, I feel the yarn is the perfect color, the only thing I told her was to remove a row from the bottom of the hat so that part isn't so wide. She will do that on the next sample.

I'm still accepting $100 deposits for the outfit by Yunsil, see the OP for details. We should be seeing a sample from her very soon, she is currently gathering all of the materials. Be sure to secure your spot soon so you don't miss out. We're only a few away from getting the $250 price.

I'm working on some nice bonus accessories for everyone in on the whole set as well, more on those items later.

As always, a big thank you to everyone, your commitment and passion for this project makes it easy for all of us to continue working on it, it's appreciated more than you know.
Re: [ACCEPTING PAYMENTS and DEPOSITS] Mathilda H+C+A • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yu

How much more time do we have?

There's still a little while yet, my intention was to end the list when we approve the outfit from Yunsil and give her the final number needed. The sample was to be done in June, but as everyone knows, Yunsil is very busy so it's really up in the air as to when we'll see that sample. Last I was told a couple of weeks ago, she was gathering all of the fabric needed and was going to start it very soon, but who knows, could be next week, could be next month.
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