1/6 Star Wars Han Solo Empire Strikes Back by JNIX accepting order!

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Jnix have replied and said that obviously his hair changes from scene to scene and, and ultimately he's decided which one prefers. Which is based on this:


And Skaro brought up an interesting point actually.
I think it's called the 'eighties' personally - hairspray, blowdryer and styling mousse... By lowering, is it looking a little too ANH'ish again? I know it's kinda squarish in shape but let's face it, the generation for those films was all about big hair (unless flattened by wearing a helmet), or hardly any style at all aside from Leia of course. Kinda nostalgic being a by gone era...

I get what you're saying but the Headsculpt on the top of the head is odd as you can see the scalp line where the hair is parted.

If the hair was removed to this point the head would be egg like.

It's not just a 'bouffon' hair effect.
Guess that at the end of the day it's really up to the artist and their interpretation of the piece. Personally I don't mind it at all and like the fact that it's bigger hair. Just think that being 'altered' the way this was pointed out to 'tweak' will basically make it look too much like the previous offering. So why change it at all, in that case? Can't please everyone I spose. But I think it's a more than decent representation of ESB Han, hair part and all. The shape is what set's this apart. Everyone is entitled to making their opinion known and heard pretty much though
Thanks for the update hydeous

i just personally don't agree here. Appreciate jnix sharing his inspiration but it's an odd choice to model a sculpt after because the angle is totally specific and not translatable to 3 d. He's an amazing sculptor so this one is really baffling to me. He's got a helmet hair situation.

It's a weird image to base his sculpt off of and it kind of shows becuse the way his part hits at the back, it it were his scalp there there's no way it would hit at that spot in the back height wise unless han was a cone head.

I mean I saw people getting absolutely insane over the most minute inconsequential details for luke I feel like a one man crusade against this and it's just so apparent to me.

But anyways I've said my peice and it's been communicated. I'm getting it anyways but I'm a bit bummed on this one. Biggest miss yet IMO.
Thanks for the update hydeous

i just personally don't agree here. Appreciate jnix sharing his inspiration but it's an odd choice to model a sculpt after because the angle is totally specific and not translatable to 3 d. He's an amazing sculptor so this one is really baffling to me. He's got a helmet hair situation.

It's a weird image to base his sculpt off of and it kind of shows becuse the way his part hits at the back, it it were his scalp there there's no way it would hit at that spot in the back height wise unless han was a cone head.

I mean I saw people getting absolutely insane over the most minute inconsequential details for luke I feel like a one man crusade against this and it's just so apparent to me.

But anyways I've said my peice and it's been communicated. I'm getting it anyways but I'm a bit bummed on this one. Biggest miss yet IMO.

Yeah, Empire is tricky - we don't even notice it (until you isolate a pic of a character's head and take a close look at it) but I think the anamorphic lenses did vertically stretch some scenes more than others. Sometimes ESB Chewy seems to have a 12" tall forehead.:lol

Here's a couple of shots (same hair day) that maybe show the issue Raymond is describing. It's a tough call - it is what it is, but when you really look at, it's a little odd in some shots. But his ESB hair was a little odd with that karate chop down the middle. It's tougher to nail realistically in a sculpt than you would think. :dunno


I think it's a good catch Raymond

I'm on fence for this one as I don't have an esb setup to put him on. Nice sculpt none the less cone head and all.

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I think it's called the 'eighties' personally - hairspray, blowdryer and styling mousse... By lowering, is it looking a little too ANH'ish again? I know it's kinda squarish in shape but let's face it, the generation for those films was all about big hair (unless flattened by wearing a helmet), or hardly any style at all aside from Leia of course. Kinda nostalgic being a by gone era...
Agreed, and he did look like this in the film in certain points as Hydeous's post points out. I like it for it reflecting that era, and being that much more distinctive than the prior sculpt, and whatever HT is likely to put out because of it.

Jnix have replied and said that obviously his hair changes from scene to scene and, and ultimately he's decided which one prefers. Which is based on this:

View attachment 332765

And Skaro brought up an interesting point actually.
With that said the hairstyles in the OT are just plain 'kitsch', but that was the era those films were born in. Han's hair no matter what frame was yes 'indeedly' that of a scruffy looking nerf herder. I see the point being made here though with the irregularity of the hair line. Overall, I still think this is a good representation of Ford's character from the film. And don't think HT will make something as faithful to JNIX's version. It's different enough to his 'ANH' piece and justifies purchasing the latter to go with the YUNSIL outfit and that's all I could really have hoped for. Least it will go with ESB 'Han in carbonite' from SS too, slated for release later this year. So this will be a nice edition to any SW 1/6 collection.
I purchased this as well and while I do see what Raymond pointed out (HT ANH Luke has the same issue), I see it to a lesser extent. In the unpainted sample it doesn't stand out and I think the gif Raymond made maybe goes a little too far, someone else noted that it makes it look too much like the ANH one. I wouldn't argue against a more minor tweak though.
I like the Version as is (without changes)

And honestly - I made the payment based on the pics I saw - I think with the changes the head might look like a cone head - I might not want to stay on board in case I think the changed head looks odd

Are the comments from people who already bought or from people who might buy if the changes are made? - tricky situation
I think I said something about the hair a few pages back, but to me the only issue is that it looks too "layered". His hair was straighter and flatter (on the sides) in ESB. I won't repost the pics, but just go up and look. There's a lot of layered "feathering" going on with the sculpt. Which don't get me wrong is fantastic work, it just makes it look a little more like ANH hair than it should IMO.
I think his face need to be Skinner and longer! And yes the hair could use an adjustment. Cant pull the trigger on this one :( And why does everyone make him look so old?
I think his face need to be Skinner and longer! And yes the hair could use an adjustment. Cant pull the trigger on this one :( And why does everyone make him look so old?

Really want to pull the trigger on this but struggling to unless the hair changes significantly, sides look same as original and the top seems way to high.

I was very much in for this and the yunsil set however I was pretty disappointed that it was a straight up cast with different hair. Fords face shape was very different between ANH and ESB.

Nevertheless a perfect Ford likeness but the original was so no surprise there.
Glad others are seeing my concern (not saying my mock was the best, just that it needs an adjustment)

I think we should let Jnix know others are in the same boat.

The hair is really the only mod. This is fine, this was what was communicated to us from the beginning. But it means that the hair looking right is even more important and right now it's really not right.
I think his face need to be Skinner and longer! And yes the hair could use an adjustment. Cant pull the trigger on this one :( And why does everyone make him look so old?

Hair issues aside, the face does seem somehow rounder/pudgier (width of face/jawline) - or maybe vertically squashed a little (the eyes seem more squinted) - on this ESB version than on the ANH for some reason. Maybe it's just the pics giving some slight distortion, or the paint, or is it a function of the face and lower head being a cast for the added hair sculpt, and the casting has ever-so-slightly distorted the sculpt? Or was the hair just added to the original sculpt, so that can't be?


Setting aside the hair, I'm trying to figure out why I'm not screaming with joy at the look of this head, despite it theoretically being exact-same sculpt as the ANH version, which is one of the best custom sculpts ever done, and certainly the best HF sculpt ever.
I believe everyone here raises a valid concern. But I'm still pretty satisfied with the finished result. Wasn't too sure what to expect at first but after seeing the proto met with my expectations. Considering the offerings we have gotten from the official product lines these sculpt's are a vast improvement. I think that we can all agree that the custom head's at least look a lot better for the most part and are more faithful to the likeness of the actor/s in general. Don't forget these are photograph's and are not 'yet' in hand as well... Speaking from experience the finished product 'usually' look's a lot better completed and in hand the majority of the time. If you really want to be critical here, not meaning to call anyone out 'specifically' or anything, I'll just use this as an example to illustrate my point. There was a 'Kylo Ren' sculpt that looked nothing like Driver against the CREG version but seemed to get a lot less flac than anything JNIX has come up with. Even when painted it was no doppleganger for Ren. This offering on the other hand, is undoubtedly Ford and pretty close to 'ESB' than anything else out there at the moment. Ben was also the subject of much criticism. However once this was painted correctly, usually by Silent Surfer, then that alone pretty much silenced a lot of the critic's surrounding the sculpt. Although I don't see anything wrong with JNIX's treatment either. Same goes with Luke, painted by Chris Caraveo and some of the doubter's seemed to change their opinion with that. Really depends fundamentally on the sculpt and the painter's interpretation also, which can really bring something to looking a lot more 'life like' as we've already seen done here before. Even some of the sideshow stuff 'repainted' can sometime's totally pass, depending on the sculpt underneath.
I have all of Jnix's Star Wars sculpts, but I'm struggling with this one. I'm just having trouble justifying the investment into a sculpt that I, personally, won't be using until Hot Toys releases an ESB Han and Leia. Do y'all think Jnix will do another run when those figures release?

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I have all of Jnix's Star Wars sculpts, but I'm struggling with this one. I'm just having trouble justifying the investment into a sculpt that I, personally, won't be using until Hot Toys releases an ESB Han and Leia. Do y'all think Jnix will do another run when those figures release?

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He did do a limited re run of ANH Solo cast's (painted, I believe) I would say to account for cost's for those that missed out the first time. But that was not long after the initial run when enough people chimed in requesting the sculpt