Amazing! Please can we see a front view Earl?
Can you please let us know what size neck peg fits in these heads? I ordered one from ebay (see my posts above) and it's too big to fit inside the head.I've got 2 casts left. If anyone is interested.
PM me.
Can you please let us know what size neck peg fits in these heads? I ordered one from ebay (see my posts above) and it's too big to fit inside the head.
What a paintjob! TOP NOTCH
I always use ResQ-plast for almost all my headsculpts (rainman, jnix, rdeezy) for a perfect fit. It's not sticky (like blu tac) and you can get it everywhere at the pharmacy in europe. These adapters never worked 100% for me.
Honestly, neck adapters come in all shapes and sizes. I’ve found it’s easier to buy a a bunch and have on hand as none of these custom sculpts are ever the same. I’m with everyone else also where most of the time, I find I just use blue tack and have had zero issues with head falling all over.