Re: Big Lebowski The Dude accessory set: bowling pin/ball, Folger's can, White Russia
Hey everyone, some questions for those interested:
The shoes are really the only thing holding up the set here. Originally my plan was to offer simply a set of accessories. However multiple people asked about shoes and I decided to try my hand at the Otomix pair. They are coming along well (I hope? Haven't gotten much feedback on them) but slowly.
Are there a lot of people interested in the shoes where I should hold off on producing the other accessories so as to ship everything together? or are there a number of people happy with just the accessory set? I ask because I am ready to produce multiple sets of everything BUT the shoes at this time (as amatter of fact I have about 10 sets of glasses and a half dozen bowling balls/pins made, just not painted,and I have a full set of Folger's can decals).
Let me know what you guys think so I can keep this rolling. Thanks!