Prior means before. If Ski ships the heads to me that week, then later in that week I
will start final assembly and shipping. I don't think I'll have the heads before the 21st.
If it's priority shipping on the 21st to me, then I should have them on the 23rd.
Does that make sense now Ulli?
Maybe we'll get them before season 4 is over. :lol
I really would like Rollo eventually.
I think not)
Better to wait and do everything correctly and without haste)
Yeah me to, but Season 2 Rollo. This season he is a big douche...:lol
Hey, do you think your accessory maker could do the Kings sword?
I've got connections in the gem industry and can get real 1/2 pointer
gems to put in the sword.
Would be awesome if someone could make everything but the gem detail.
Can be done, but why would he?
I think the image of the king of the History is finished.
You got an exciting project in which I was very happy to participate.
Add aksessuari for the sake of accessories I think too much)
Oh, it's for me. I'm going to make a rock seat dio and
finish the fur cloak, so I can do this pose.
This was at the end of season 2, where he really became the king. That would be the true grail figure for me.
I only ask you, because the prices I've been getting. So I was interested
to what your guy would charge if it could be done. Also, it would be
a good thing to do, so I can see the level of quality in-hand.
That way I could use him for another project if I wanted.
So good for him and me...
I'm not expecting anyone else to get one.
That's all.
That bloody one I had Ski do for me: I added additional cuts carved into the head
based off some pictures I have of a battle damaged Ragnar. It's the
only one like that and was made for a particular battle DIO I am making.
But SKI is kind enough to make each of yours bloody if you want it.
It will not have the extra carved in damage, just the blood splatter
roughly based off this photo.
If you want it that way, please PM Skiman ASAP.
Just be aware this will also delay when I get them.
Also anyone that already PM me about this, disregard my other earlier answers
and PM SKI.
Ski send those heads off to you?
DWILL & ULI, since you have the bloody versions and are the 1st 2 that will be
assembled. Please contact me if wanting blood splatter on some of the armor as well.
I think if were going battle damaged with blood, we need to go all the way.
Of course you would have to do your Ax and shield on you own.
Either way, let me know ASAP because I start tomorrow.
DWILL & ULI, since you have the bloody versions and are the 1st 2 that will be
assembled. Please contact me if wanting blood splatter on some of the armor as well.
I think if were going battle damaged with blood, we need to go all the way.
Of course you would have to do your Ax and shield on you own.
Either way, let me know ASAP because I start tomorrow.
PM sent
PM sent. But yes.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got it. Started in on them already.
I present The King of History #0001. Bloody and battle damaged for DWILL.
I will do this for each figure as it's finished and shipped.
Forgive the pictures, I think my 11 year old camera is starting to go.
It has a really nice Leica lens, but isn't keeping focus anymore, not even the macro
with proper lighting. Time to get a new one I guess. Here's are the best pictures
out of the 30 I took. DWILL I will PM you with shipping details.
I will also be doing the drawing for the Full Metal Spear tonight. I'll post the winner in a few hours.
Thanks again for all involved: Caine, Fullmetal, Geewhiz, Mudblood & Skiman.
Could not have done it without any of you. :clap
Standard accessories which most of you have already.
I added the accessories to the figure pictures so you can see how yours will look.
This is my favorite pose, really screams battle action sequence.
Even with macro lens, you get parts not in focus.
This is the best shot focus wise.
Hope you like him.
If I get a new camera(which is likely:got a gift card from Bestbuy from x-mas), I'll take some better shots.