Re: [Accepting Deposits/Payments] Mathilda H+C+A • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil
Yunsil update!
Here's the latest sample, as you can see, she's been working very hard and has done many samples to get the outfit as screen accurate as possible, watching Leon many times over the past few weeks.
The above photos have the clothing on the Star Ace Hermione body I supplied to her, and I'm very happy with how it looks on it. This body is really the only teen body out there that has good proportions imo. Also, Sean will have a seamless chest/neck piece available for those that are using this body.
She will be doing one more sample, and will make the jacket slightly (5cm) shorter, will weather the gold zippers so they aren't as bright, and will dye the fabric used for the cuffs, neck and waist trim before doing the run. She is also looking for a thinner version of the fabric she has for the shirt, she feels the current one is too thick and doesn't lay down well, and I agree.
Unfortunately she did say the jacket was much more detailed than anticipated and may make the cost per unit go up, but she isn't sure just yet, but wanted to let us know that. She changed fabric a few times as you can see in the sample photos above and she has now added filling inside the jacket just as the full size one would have.
I do want to reiterate that whatever price I post in here is the exact price Yunsil tells me, this project is completely non-profit for me, every price for every piece you see is the "direct from the artist price".
Here's some answers to our questions as well -
She said the shorts are either all clean or all weathered for the run......the good news is, if we want all weathered, she will not charge an additional fee like she said before.
Knit hats will be $30-50 each, which I think is fine for how labor intensive they are to make.
Socks will be included, even though they aren't shown.
She said all sets are complete sets, no one can buy just a pair of shorts, or just the jacket, etc. I think we all knew this already though.
Let me know if any of you have any questions or concerns and I'll do my best to answer or pass them along to Yunsil. We're getting close now ladies and gents, I'm super pumped for this still!!!!
- John