Re: [3 Clothing Spots Remain] Mathilda H+C+A • sdabbs • robbiethepainter • yunsil
Just a heads up everyone, Yunsil has finished the final sample and it all looks amazing.
Apologies for the unfinished figure, I had to send her what I could at the time. Yunsil added the hair herself, to show how it will fit, so pay no mind to how that looks. She also broke one of the hands putting the shirt off and on as well.
The final per set price is going to be $295 and includes the hat. She won't do an option for hat or no hat, it has to be included with all unfortunately.
The previous quoted price for 50 was $255 and then the hat was going to be $30-50, so it ended up being $40 in the end.
Everyone that sent the $100 deposit will now only owe $195 plus 5% fees ($204.75).
Balance can be sent at any time starting now, to
[email protected].
The sooner all payments are in, the sooner Yunsil will start on them.
Thanks again for sticking this out with me everyone, we're getting close. Mark should have a painted sample finished any day now, I've seen a WIP pic and it looks amazing already. I also have all heads, boots, and hands now, so I will be contacting some of you that didn't want anything painted to see if you would like those items now or later.