Super Freak
cant wait for this...
Thank you ! I'm sure Will be great!I'll show a preview once I get all the "patches" (what would be individual pieces of leather) in place. I have about half done.
Thank you for your hard work .WIP on shoes.
I have all the patches done, now comes refining their placement. Then onto the fine details.
This has gone very slow because I do not have proper reference images. This is an extremely obscure Adidas hi-top, so I was unable to buy one.
It has taken me a ton of time to get this far. I will keep plugging away.
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I sent earlier pm about Akeem’s McDowell set but if it’s still possible, I could actually hop on board for Semmi, too. I’m interested in both versions of Semmi.
Oh sorry, maybe I overlooked the PM with you also joining the Wall Street project. You can still get both Akeem and Semmi. The suit version of Semmi will take time. I want to finish Akeem ASAP, then I will commission an Arsenio head.
There’s still more Akeem figures available??