Love Mia! Vincent looks much better.
Denny posted these on Facebook.
Mia painted and Vincent updated with neck
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can you guys choose what is the best outfit you want Mia wear? what scene? dancing?
Good to see you posting here again buddy!! :hi5:
I agree with the other guys. There's really only one outfit for Mia. The Jack Rabbit Slim scene and the couple scenes after that are basically the only times she appears in the movie (the same outfit in all of those scenes). Vincent's trench coat would be appropriate as part of her outfit too.
A Jack Rabbit Slim Vincent with ponytail and that alternate outfit would be a nice accompanying piece too!
Yeah, PO links were set out for all the Vince sets and the Duo DX set.
Are you signed up to CK's newsletter? Let me know if you need the links :duff