CRM 114
Freaked Out!
Mia so far looks pretty good
We have finished the vincent for modification with neck and the size has been larged little bit. taking many days.
anyway, we will show new painting based on the new modified head in Jan.
also Mia is still on work for modification based on some suggestions.
Happy New year~!
Jules eyes definitely look too far apart. CK also promised to repaint "HEAT" duo but nope, never happened, received Pacino painted in Hulk color.The Vincent sculpt really needs a sculpted neck and the eyes look too far apart on Jules. Before dropping the money it would be nice to see the change.
The same thing kept me from buying the road warrior figure as the sculpt looked wrong and the promise of it being fixed or paint fixed with no pictures to back it up didn't fill me with enough confidence to drop 1500$+ on a figure
Here's a few
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Anyone know what make the suit is?
can you guys choose what is the best outfit you want Mia wear? what scene? dancing?