[CULT KING] *** REAL FICTION *** figures

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No one on the planet has now, has ever had or will ever have (in perpetuity), one side of their face as a mirror of the other. Not sure what that's trying to prove - I've seen it before and it's waste of time. If you want to show anything, compare to real source images or nothing at all.
"in perpetuity" :rotfl

No one on the planet has now, has ever had or will ever have (in perpetuity), one side of their face as a mirror of the other. Not sure what that's trying to prove - I've seen it before and it's waste of time. If you want to show anything, compare to real source images or nothing at all.
No one on the planet has now, has ever had or will ever have (in perpetuity), one side of their face as a mirror of the other. Not sure what that's trying to prove - I've seen it before and it's waste of time. If you want to show anything, compare to real source images or nothing at all.
Clearly my point was that the perfectly even looks closer to the character then the lazy drooped left eye. Of course noones symmetrical thanks for that obvious fact, being a human myself i never knew until you told me right now, wow! :slap :cuckoo: but thats what is throwing the sculpt. Eyes look wide and too uneven. That was my point.

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Don't need to mirror the face to tell there's something missing from the sculpt (you also significantly enlarged the whole thing) - if you know better, then don't do it. It's ridiculous and an insult to the artist.

If you want to show anything, compare to real source images or nothing at all.
Don't need to mirror the face to tell there's something missing from the sculpt - if you know better, then don't do it. It's ridiculous and an insult to the artist.

take your ball and go home, i talk to mr.x daily it is in no way an insult to the artist.
its called constructive criticism as artists we should be able to deal with that.
helping and giving insight into making the best product possible?
if i know better than dont do it?
this guy. :rotfl
Pointing out a flaw in a piece isn't insulting or disrespectful at all, constructive criticism

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i talk to mr.x daily

Then send him a message.

You guys are too much. There's nothing wrong with criticism, especially when it's constructive. Mirroring an image is none of that and no "flaw" was pointed out.

I will "go home" though, this thread has reached the end of its usefulness.
Here's a side by Compare.jpg
It's definitely the eyes. Zoom in and cover just the eyes, the sculpt looks near perfect

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He has a wide nose bridge and looking at the 1:1 photo, his eye are pretty far apart, the sculpt represents that.
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