[CULT KING]- Santa Carla Blood Suckers ** FULL PROTOS - PO OPEN!!**

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The order's open. Aren't you signed up Cap'n? I thought you would be.

PopCultKid might be helping people out with the PO. Try sending him a PM.

Yep. Thanks for the tip cmiller99.

Thanks PopCultKid. :hi5:

Any idea how long the PO will be open for this guy?
I don't want to speak for the big man with a definitive answer but Capo and some others stayed open for about a month so if all things remain constant then this should be in that range too. I'd say whoever is interested or on the fence has time to either think or save, but I wouldn't push it to the limits. A lot of people contacted me late in the game asking about Capo and it was sold out
Thanks Machew and PopCultKid. The likeness isn't 100%, but I love this character. I'll be sitting here on my fence for a bit.
I don't want to speak for the big man with a definitive answer but Capo and some others stayed open for about a month so if all things remain constant then this should be in that range too. I'd say whoever is interested or on the fence has time to either think or save, but I wouldn't push it to the limits. A lot of people contacted me late in the game asking about Capo and it was sold out

Did you go DX Mike? Im loving this figure, hoping some of my stuff sells so i can have the extra cash to go all in. Its been a rough month for me for figures lol!
Me too brother! Seems like David got a lot of love on Facebook i saw. Hopefully he will do well and we can get the ball rolling on Michael! Heard any more news on him dude?

No, we stopped discussing Michael a while ago. I'm sure it's a conversation easily started back up if David is getting good rhythm like you say.

I'm not on FB. Can you drop sone screenshots here of the comments? I'd love to see the good response :yess:
Yeah that'd be great if we could get him made brother!

Sure thing man here's a few screen shots. It got 137 likes




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Timing of things amuse me sometimes and it's an inconvenient time for what I got offered last night and this PO going up. Not backing out on either so looks like it's time to sell some stuff to make me feel better about the money I dropped
DX sculpt definitely makes the figure, but it's a great price leap. Even if the screaming sculpt is $180 for the exclusivity and extra sculpt/paint detail, you're reaching $120 for different feet and hands!

It helps to think of this as a Rainman full set even though it's Cult King. :lol Makes the price easier to swallow.

In my opinion, Rainman's work is kinda overrated... Cult King makes quality figures just like him at a cheaper price, and don't seem to get the same recognition. Even the choice of characters to release is better to me. Don't think the DX is that expensive, the vamp sculpt is excellent, and a pair of specially made vampire hands and feet wouldn't cost less if made by Robbiethepainter, Sean Dabbs or any other artist.
In my opinion, Rainman's work is kinda overrated... Cult King makes quality figures just like him at a cheaper price, and don't seem to get the same recognition. Even the choice of characters to release is better to me. Don't think the DX is that expensive, the vamp sculpt is excellent, and a pair of specially made vampire hands and feet wouldn't cost less if made by Robbiethepainter, Sean Dabbs or any other artist.

I'll pop another dime in the jukebox baby. A little celebratory jammy-jam I've been pumping all day :lol


One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach.... all the damn vampires...