Custom parts for Batman Premium Format Statue Sideshow by Spazzy-Customs

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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That animated gun is the one I am eyeing too. But not really comfortable in buying a custom part for a statue I am still waiting on. Reg EU batch 4 life! :)
Updated order list, if name is not on there I have contacted you and your items will be shipped soon.

less than 3 days to order for a guaranteed spot and a discounted price.
Will the mini batarangs be hard to see in gloss black? Maybe I should have opted for the gold instead. What does DFWM mean beside some of the names on the list? Are they part of a group here in the DFW area?
Well its up to you, my pics are with an iphone and under led lights so it is pretty shaded under the cape, I personally like the gold better, but black is probably more accurate for this version of easier to paint :)
Everything is up for pre order at this price until Monday night, just follow the directions on the front, send payment to secure your spot.
Crud got the day right but the date wrong it is supposed to be Monday night June 2nd, thought it was the first.
so just an FYI, I apologize for all the delays, having a baby and having to watch her really ate into my time for projects like these, now starting tomorrow she is in daycare and I can really focus on getting my projects caught up and starting new ones quicker, and hopefully soon getting batches up for sale instead of taking pre orders, and getting back to larger custom full size pieces. So I appreciate the patience and I will keep everyone updated, batches 1-4 will be wrapping up VERY soon.
Order list is updated, will be working on next batch this week, I got most of the trial and error problems out of the way and should be much smoother and quicker sailing from here on out. I appreciate the patience and support!
I received the mini batarangs and grapnel hands today. They look great! Here are a few quick pics I took with my phone.




updated list, will try to get the last batch done as soon as I can, believe me I want to catch up.

Shipping current batch by Saturday 8/16/14