Heath Ledger joker by ZKULPTOR, interest thread

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Hi guys, Any interest in Heath Ledger Joker by Erick Sosa (ZKULPTOR)?
I need at least 30 interested people so this sculpture can be made ​​to order.
If so each portrait would cost $40

listing will be interested here in the first post


order list

01 SilvioRivera
02 Imaresqd1
04 Pennyworth
05 ShortRound
06 gypsycatcha
07 monkeyrobotmaster
08 neo
09 intothevoid
10 agonistes86
11 menlojames
12 freshvein
13 levit05
14 Warden
15 fashizal1
16 Calcifer
17 steven.giunta
18 magiccs
19 Capt.Yesterday
20 Commtech
21 Mr. Ecko
22 myersfarms
23 venomous venom
24 alpha826
25 hannibal
26 irmoballen
27 kenobiobi
28 shakesnake
29 Snake Eater
30 MetaKnight
31 CTO15
32 Ryu
33 Laney74
34 mimiz
35 Kamandi
36 ericks
37 lozric
38 Nitro80
39 ro926
40 agentofchaos73
41 KingGrayskull
42 addicted 2 collecting
43 Lord Vicious
44 Thrustmaster
45 Raam
46 kliqonmonks777
47 Greggo
48 aaronViolator
49 deadly_striker
50 ckwan
51 cheungkinmen
52 lambo944
53 urascal
54 fanger54
55 Hydeous
56 lforigno
57 PapitoMX
58 hhhaney1234
59 cokebabies
60 rhboyd

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I do not joke about such a thing. :wink1:
Erick soon appear here to confirm that it is not funny.
That dude looks like Daniel Tosh with makeup on :rotfl
honestly do not understand what is terrible. There are many jokers? yes, but to me none of ht pleased, even the dx, several artists made ​​their versions forum already, and I think many here as I do not have the opportunity to buy at the time were offered.
I have seen Eric's work and admired him and luckily stumbled to accept this commission I think is valid to those who do not have a sculpture of good character who was undoubtedly the best-selling figure of HT.
not understand why the surprise.
sorry my bad english.
We're just busting your chops, nothing personal. The seemingly endless flow of Ledger Joker projects has become a bit of an in-joke on the board. It's all in fun.
Heath Ledger has been over done at this point. Most people would rather have sculpts that aren't available in some form. Much less 10 to 15 versions.
honestly do not understand what is terrible. There are many jokers? yes, but to me none of ht pleased, even the dx, several artists made ​​their versions forum already, and I think many here as I do not have the opportunity to buy at the time were offered.
I have seen Eric's work and admired him and luckily stumbled to accept this commission I think is valid to those who do not have a sculpture of good character who was undoubtedly the best-selling figure of HT.
not understand why the surprise.
sorry my bad english.


Hot toys sculpts are vastly overrated imo, also joker had many memorable expression's so i think that justifies the many sculpts ..and nobody is forcing anyone to buy these sculpts:dunno
I think reaching 30 interested parties with the sculpt sight-unseen is wishful thinking. Now if he absolutely blows the other sculpts out of the water.... maybe you'll get 30. But how many upgrades can you have? You have to draw the line somewhere.
Please put me down for 1. I'm a fan of Eric's work.
And I'd like to kindly remind those who aren't interested; this is an interest thread.
Don't even start comparing Ledger Jokers, it's a touchy subject man!

I was just referring to the post above my own,i really should not have said "can it beat" i get that:peace,but as said already for this to reach 30 the sculpt would want to be on par with Zach,Adams and Bobby's(but after seeing his work it should be) or offer an expression that has not yet been done.
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