Thank you.
List updated
Can the deadline be increased Teddy? With Xenos Driver, among other things, requiring payment, I'm going to need a bit of extra time. Unless you would prefer a 50% deposit to confirm my spot, and then the other half at a later date?
Payment sent bud
I appreciate all that is coming up but I want to stay firm with this date.
Am I correct in thinking that their is going to be second run of outfits with the purple shirt instead?
Alright no worries. I'll try and work something out.
This is the only one I am doing.
O .. I thought you said if there was enough interest in the face off look she would do that too? Would you mind organizing that one too Teddy? I only dropped off the list in favor of her doing that one after this.(like I said it's clearly the second most popular look) but if things have changed and this is the only one she will make then I'd like back on the list please.
I did think about it, and I want to keep the exclusivity. I think with multiple offerings it will take that away. I want to stick with the one Heisenberg, and this is the one most wanted. I think it was the right decision in the end.
Do you want back on the list then?
Seriously, why do you have the final say? You said it yourself that she would consider making a particular suit if there was enough interest, you could at least do a similar thread and see how much interest it would get? What harm would that do? does it effect anyone on the current list? no it does not! Screw this "exclusivity" bs!:dunno
Why don't you do the run then if it's upset you so much? Lol
Seriously, why do you have the final say? You said it yourself that she would consider making a particular suit if there was enough interest, you could at least do a similar thread and see how much interest it would get? What harm would that do? does it effect anyone on the current list? no it does not! Screw this "exclusivity" bs!:dunno