Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

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Here are some screen captures I took off the following link.


Hope it helps




Are all of those from the same ep. or does he wear this shirt in more than one ep.? Please, careful with spoilers in your answers guys :wave

Color comparison to the desert scene is the worst possible comparison where everything is indeed muted and red. It should be with as close to the lighting in the pic that Yunsil took, meaning indoors under white lights. Since Walt didn't appear in those lighting conditions, at least compare to the interior shots in the previous episode 5.6 'Buyout' and not 5.7 'Say My Name'. Plus, after reviewing this outfit, the shirt can change tone from still image to still image, watch it in motion not screengrabs. Fabric swatch #1 is where it's at, imo.

So you're saying that in the same my name grabs the shirt appears duller because of the condition but in most other lighting or scenes it appears as a brighter blue?
So you're saying that in the same my name grabs the shirt appears duller because of the condition but in most other lighting or scenes it appears as a brighter blue?

The lighting varies from shot to shot obviously and both indoor and outdoor shots are heavily stylized and processed to the point that the true colors of clothing and skintone can often be difficult to determine.

Here's a behind the scenes pic of Cranston in costume comparing his arm to that of a prop one. The shirt is a pretty vivid blue and a close match to #1 here


Gotchya. It does bounce between 1 & 2, depending on the specific pic. I'm just glad that Yunsil is being so accomadating and patient in helping to get this right. Whether it be 1 or 2, it definitely wasn't the one that she innitially went with so we're on the road to improvement anyway. I'm going to check the Blu Ray and make a desicion tomorrow
Pretty unanimous so far so I don't want to waste anymore time on this. I know only 50% or so have voted but I am going to tell Yunsil to go with swatch 1.

Thanks fellas
it might be in your best interest to put up a deadline or wait till its mathematically conclusive , since there is enough non voters who can still sway the poll . its a headache I'm sure you're gonna want to avoid.
I checked the Blu Ray and it looks like #1 to me too. The blue is more vivid on Blu Ray and Netflix than many of the random muted pics found online would suggest.

The other issue now is the pants based on the same variation of reference pics that we're looking at online. I originally thought they were taupe but they're not; that idea came from the same pics with distorted color. I'm going to post a few Blu Ray grabs to see what you guys think
it might be in your best interest to put up a deadline or wait till its mathematically conclusive , since there is enough non voters who can still sway the poll . its a headache I'm sure you're gonna want to avoid.

I'll weather the storm :lol

I just don't want to hold this back any longer and so far it's very conclusive.
I can't get any HD grabs; these are from a DVD so the color is very muted and distorted. Checking the Blu Ray & Netflix I'd say that the color of the pants are more in the family of the WIP that was shown, not taupe. The WIP wasn't nailed but the color is closer to that.

I have these grabs for FIT reference. Some were saying that the pants might've been better off a smidge baggier. I agree that these pants are slightly looser than what he usually wears in the first 4 seasons.

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I agree 1 is the best.

I know this is just a prototype but I just gotta say it here... this really has a "30 dollar ebay bash" feel to it.. It just doesn't seem to be up to yunsi's standards. I think the materials used for all 3 pieces is super cheap looking, as well as not tailored the way they should be (I know the issues have been addressed, thanks aaron.) Hoping for a complete overhaul by the time the next photos are out..